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The World Awash

Posted by: jas <jas@...>

Cloudburst Syndicated Poetry
Copyright (c) 2008, J. Randal Matheny

by J. Randal Matheny

Were the world awash with vice,
And I the last to seek God's way,
Were faith reduced to a haggled price
Which covetous men were loathe to pay;

Had all reviled my time of need,
And spit upon my mortal wound,
Had brethren judged my every deed,
And my best motives meanly impugned;

If the prophet's cry were true of me,
And none remained on earth but I,
Still would I meet the raging sea,
For I on God alone rely.

Online are an explanation of what inspired the
poem (from the first line especially), an ID
of the prophet, with biblical reference, and a
mention of the use of the subjunctive in the
poem. Check it out -- and comment online!

Be sure to share today's poem, as is, with a
friend. Forward!