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Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

As I was sitting down one day,
I felt the need to think and pray,
But soon my thoughts took over prayer,
A Still Small Voice cried out, "Beware!"
"Ignore that voice," Concern called out,
"You must get up, you lazy lout,
And tend these things that need your care,
Pray later on, He'll still be there."
As I gave way to what he said,
I felt a sense of fear and dread,
The floodgate opened, doubts poured in,
They took control with much chagrin.
My list of worries grew and grew,
I cried out, "God, what should I do?"
Again He spoke; I heard His voice,
And realized I had a choice.
I could dwell upon these things,
Or give them to the King of Kings,
And enter into holy rest,
Stand on His promise for the best.
I entered in and took His peace,
My spirit felt a great release,
Things of this world may worry some,
For me, the best is yet to come.
For those who stand in His sweet rest,
The worst to happen is the best,
Because in death we have His grace,
As then we meet Him face to face.
Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara
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