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This and That

Posted by: amazinggraze <amazinggraze@...>

I hope life gets back to semi-normal.  We had friends come with 7 of their children on the 14th of May.  They left their 11 year old here.  His Dad came last night to get him and they left for home this morning.  He was a very good child and did help, but it makes your life so different when you have someone else here. 
We have 5 baby lambs so far, with 3 ewes still to lamb.  I expect 5 more lambs.  I was wanting all ram lambs, but the last set of twins were both ewes. 
It is strawberry season around here.  We bought some from the Amish and I put 3 gallons of whole berries in the freezer.  Then the Wonderful Neighbors brought over a big bowlful.  We ate some fresh, and I froze the rest of those as well. 
We got the garden in this weekend.  I still have a few seeds to plant.  I have flowers to plant in pots for the porch. 
I am really tired and would love to go back to bed.  I don't think that will be happening. 

Sorry, I have not posted a prayer list.  I will try and get to that. 
I need to make bread today.  I made Monterey Jack cheese yesterday.   I actually got down to 2 gallons yesterday and now we are back up to 4.  🙂 

Only by His merciful grace,
Mike & Marci
He is no fool who gives up what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose.  Jim Elliot
Amazing Graze General Store - Bosch, Berkey Water Filters, DLX, Nutrimill, Champion Juicers and lots more!!!

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