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Posted by: amazinggraze <amazinggraze@...>

I have something on my heart and it always helps me to write it out.  I would love to hear your thoughts on this and what you do.  If you think I am wrong or way off base, or need to worry more about me, please feel free to say that as well. 
I am not sure exactly where to begin because it sounds like several different subjects, but in my mind they are all connected.  I do a post every Monday morning on my blog called Count Your Blessings Monday.  Many Mondays no one at all links to their post on that subject and many times it is just a small handful.  I honestly don't have a problem that I don't get more response, except for in the fact that people who post Show & Tell type posts are inundated with people linking to show what they have or own.  Why such a heavy response on one side and such a little one on the other side.  This is not just about my blog and one other that does a Show & Tell type post.  I see it happen time and time again.  I usually have between 100 and 200 hits on my blog each day.  So far today there has been 90 something.  Out of those 90 hits, 2 people took the time to leave a note about blessings. 
Ok, point 2.  Do you ever hear someone share something about the Lord or they say something "spiritual" and it just does not seem to be real?  I have tried very hard not to judge.  One of the things I am learning (or at least trying to learn) in my Bible study is to look at my own sin and not other people.  I have one person who I talk to fairly often.  They say holy type things or write them on their blog.  Yet, their life is one big ball of rebellion.  They talk about the every day things with me and how they know they are supposed to do such and such, but they just don't care.  I have one young friend who writes me email letters and always says something spiritual at the end.  Yet, she does not realize that her mother has been asking me for prayer for herself and how to handle situations because this same young lady and her sister get right in their Mom's face and yell at her and tell her they hate her and that they don't want to be like her.  I really can't say anything to them as they would know their Mom is talking to me.  Their Mom has no idea of the things they write to me.  She knows they write to me occasionally but has never told me she reads it or anything. 
Is this just the lukewarmness of Christians in AMerica?  Am I just too picky?  Help me understand........

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