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Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

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My father and mother were driving home, from a grocery store,
as they were preparing themselves for an event when my family
would arrive at their home that weekend.  My father had called
me that Wed. (before the weekend) and said, "Judy, I need to
talk to you!"  Well, my family and I would just lay everything
down and go 200 miles for them.. (I am so blessed to have a
husband that would drop everything for the weekend whenever
my father wanted us)....But, anyway, my father and I said that
this weekend we would see them..... However, I had to do a few
errands that Friday before we left, and as I was in the car
driving during my errands, I had approached an intersection
that was going to be hard for me to flip to the other side of
the lane and make a quick left. Time was running out on me,
because the tag place was about to close........Then all of
a sudden the music stopped, I was on the street I was so
desperately trying to achieve, and I happened to look over on
the passenger's side, and there was my father.....He looked
at me with a thumb up (hand signal) and said "I told you I
would always take care of my girl".........I replied. "Thanks
Dad".........Then blank went my head as I looked back toward
the road. I was driving and hearing the music again and I
glanced over toward the passenger's seat, which then was empty
and I thought to myself..Oh, man, I can't tell anyone this...
people would think I was a loony toon....ha ha Well, after
taking care of business, I headed back home to prepare myself
and help my husband and kids pack to go to grandpa's house...
When I entered the house, there sat my family as if they were
in a dream land, staring at me........I knew something
happened...........That is when they told me, my parents were
in a terrible accident.......My father died instantly at 3:45
p.m. the very same time as I was in the car....My mother lived
about 7 months and died of complications....I know there are
ANGELS  out there and I thank God He is watching over me.
A drunken fellow was driving so fast around a curve and he slammed
into my parents side of the car as they were crossing over the
intersection....He slammed into them so hard on the side my
father was and dragged them 100 feet before stopping.....But,
never saw a day in jail.....Later before my Mom died she
finally came around talking of the wreck (she was driving) and
she said, "Your dad and I was just talking about you, Judy,
and he desperately wanted to see you".....I told her  "He did,
Mom."... I never knew if she ever knew what I was talking about
......I loved them sooo dearly.......I was the baby girl with
2 older brothers!
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<>< A Choice That Forever Changed My Life ><>
When I was 16 years old I worked in a restaurant to earn money to pay for  college all day long my still small voice warned me of impending danger.  Somehow I knew I was going to get hurt and that it would be a head injury. All day I tried to be especially cautious so as not to allow this feeling to take hold of me.
Finally it was time to close and the last job for me to do was mop the freezer stairs. I was so scared i would slip and fall down the icy stairwell so i took my time. When I got to the bottom i cleaned the freezer and began back up the still wet stairs so careful I would step so I wouldn't slip. When I finally reached the top I sighed and said "I made it, it's time to go home and nothing bad happened to me after all".
Just then the mop fell against the ice machine a loud sound rang out, I ducked to avoid a bucket falling off the top of the ice machine but it was too late the bucket hit me and something had fallen out of the bucket as well. A metal ice scoop, shiny new and sharp, had penetrated my head and in shock and disbelief i stood there in amazement.
It wasn't until the blood began to gush that I realized I was hurt. My father rushed me to the ER where I received 6 stitches and I was sent home
 to rest. During 3 days at home I remained in and out of consciousness during this time  a handsome elderly man would come to visit me. I don't remember what we talked about but I remember how comfortable I felt laughing and talking to him. Each day he would come and visit and when he would leave I would ask my parents who that sweet old man was. They would turn and look at each other and said maybe I should be seen by the doctor again. I would drift back to sleep remembering how nice he was.
On the 3rd day he came to visit me again and I remember what he said to me. He said "child are you ready to come home" and I looked at him very seriously and said I don't understand I am home and he smiled and patted me. I never saw him again. I believe this man was my angel and he gave me a choice that forever changed my life.
I choose to live and be the wife and mother I am Today and though I'm far from perfect I keep trying to do his will before he calls me home again.
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<>< Truckdriver ><>

"What do you do for Christ each day?"
A faithful Christian said.
And I replied, "I drive a truck
And fill the stores with bread."
He said, "I know of your bread route
But that is not the thing.
I mean what do you do each day
For Jesus Christ the King?"
I said, "But I believe a man
Can work in such a way,
That selling bread is work for Christ
A sacrament each day."
Once more the man inquired, "But, sir,
If this is not unfair,
What do you do for Christ each day,
Like witnessing and prayer?"
I said, "Work is my best witness,
And selling bread to them
Is like a prayer in Jesus' name.
I drive this truck for Him!
Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara
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