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Posted by: prophetic <prophetic@...>

"THUNDERING in NIGERIA" - AUDIO - Please listen
-Andrew Strom.

This sermon was preached to several hundred pastors gathered
in Lagos, Nigeria on my most recent trip. There is no question that
it is one of the most hard-hitting messages I have ever preached -
but the response is what amazed me. Nigeria (and much of Afrcia)
is utterly saturated with Prosperity teaching. I felt a tremendous
unction of the Holy Spirit as I challenged all of this - which only
seemed to increase as the sermon went on. I was preaching
without notes, and I honestly had no idea what I would say when
I started. God took over.

We had seen pastors and leaders kneel weeping on a previous
trip when we preached on these things. But this was the first time
I ever saw such an overwhelming response - pastors en masse
repenting and committing themselves to overturn the lies and
deceptions that have invaded the church in their nation. It was
astounding. Glory to God! (I will be back in Nigeria in Oct).

The audio is called "THUNDERING IN NIGERIA" and you can
find it on the right-hand side near the top of the following website-

Take a listen!

God bless you all.

Andrew Strom.