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Time on a Clock

Posted by: jas <jas@...>

Cloudburst Syndicated Poetry
Copyright (c) 2006, J. Randal Matheny
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by J. Randal Matheny

Forward rolls the folding wheel,
Collecting dust from lonely worlds
And far-flung stars. None fall behind,
All cogs and gears to carry forth
God's stated plan and moving stage,
Converging every vow, decision,
Choice, and wish: a channeled earth
To a final point, both foul and clean,
Both blind and seeing, blest and cursed.
No mindless funnel of mass destruction,
But a perfect circle, pacing, advancing,
And when will stop this wheel says God.

1. Share your thoughts with us! Click "Reply,"
write away, and tell us your first name,
city, state, and country.

2. Share today's poem, as is, with a friend.

I'd told myself I'd never send another poem on
a Saturday, since fewer people seem to read
it. But some will, so for those of you who do,
a blessing on you today!

Last month: a car backended me at a stop light
and threw me into the car ahead of me. I got
sore muscles out of it, and a car still in the
shop. I'm thankful no one was seriously hurt.

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About "My Greatest Wish" (24 Jan 2007):

This poem is very beautiful and profound. It makes me
think of Micah 6:8, which I keep on my bedroom wall
as a reminder (and has been a key scripture for me
since I gave my life to Jesus many years ago). Thank
you for the treasures you have unearthed in this
truth of simply walking with our Lord in the security
of his presence and love, and the yearning we have
inside of us to do that. --Heather, Ontario, Canada