Quote from Forum Archives on October 6, 2018, 6:52 pmPosted by: jackpeters47 <jackpeters47@...>
My friends, I want to thank you for supporting PastorMail for many years.
I just tried to forward 5 or 6 of your posts and they won't go through.
The welovegod.org tag is being discontinued, and my heart is no longer in this.
I will send sermon seeds to my mailing list, hopefully more frequently than I have lately.
Thanks to Glen Stewart the owner of welovegod.org for his continued free provision.
When welovegod.org is done, we will discontinue Sermon Seeds.
Thanks again for your support.
Jack Peters
To unsubscribe, send ANY message to: pastormail-unsubscribe@welovegod.org
Posted by: jackpeters47 <jackpeters47@...>
My friends, I want to thank you for supporting PastorMail for many years.
I just tried to forward 5 or 6 of your posts and they won't go through.
The welovegod.org tag is being discontinued, and my heart is no longer in this.
I will send sermon seeds to my mailing list, hopefully more frequently than I have lately.
Thanks to Glen Stewart the owner of welovegod.org for his continued free provision.
When welovegod.org is done, we will discontinue Sermon Seeds.
Thanks again for your support.
Jack Peters
To unsubscribe, send ANY message to: pastormail-unsubscribe@welovegod.org