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TO GO HOME or NOT?? - Andrew Strom

Posted by: prophetic <prophetic@...>

TO GO HOME or NOT?? - Please read to the end.
-Andrew Strom.

My family and I have spent much of the last six months pondering
and praying over whether our time in America is up - and whether
it is time to return to our homeland of New Zealand. It has been
such a big decision that we didn't want to take it lightly. 3 1/2
years is a long time to be away from home. -Almost all our
relatives are there and our son is about to be married. We also
have many ministry opportunities in that region.

We came within a hair's breadth - our tickets were booked and
everything. But at the eleventh hour God strongly confirmed to us
that we need to stay - at least a while longer. (Perhaps much
longer - who knows?). But our ministry approach needs to change
in a couple of important ways. -One of these is in the use of "names".


I am often accused of being 'changeable' in things. But if you have
followed our ministry for some time, you will realize that this is
not actually true. All the major things I stand for today - and talk
about constantly - are the same things I have stood for right from
the beginning of my public ministry 14 years ago (-and earlier).
We have had a heavy 'street revival' and repentance and prayer
emphasis for over 20 years, an emphasis on the "true gospel",
'street music', a need for massive "CHANGE" in the church (-back
to Apostolic Christianity), etc,- all of this for decades. Even our
emphasis on the value of a "wilderness experience" goes back
20 years. But what has changed at times is the "shells" that we
have been involved with in seeking the fulfilment of these things.

As you know, we have been involved with several "movements" or
'shells' that after awhile we felt the need to leave behind. (-Much
like a lot of people). But that did not change what we were seeking
the whole time - True New Testament Christianity. Our search for
this has never changed and never will.

And lately I have been thinking - perhaps we need to simply get
rid of the "shells" altogether. -And simply be Christians seeking
true apostolic Christianity together.

As you know, in the last 8 months we have been working with a
number of wonderful street preachers and zealous young praying
Christians from California and Detroit. -We were working together
on a thing called "Revival Army". But one of the realizations that
has been growing in many of us is that we need to drop the
'name' - in fact, all "labels" - and simply "be" the church - the
body of Christ - seeking the lifestyle of Jesus together. (-Though
certainly continuing to do all the New Testament things that we
were doing). Who needs a 'name' when we can simply be followers
of Jesus?


In two weeks our family moves to Riverside, California - where
a group of these young people are based. Our family is renting a
2700-sq-ft home so we can house extra people. And the Detroit
street-preachers (and their families) are also relocating to
Riverside. (-I regard these guys as the most effective street
evangelists that I have yet found - healings, deliverances and all).
There is a "gathering" going on, and I believe it comes from God.
Skid Row is within range, and our focus will be on ministering to
the poor and living a true "New Testament" lifestyle together.

In California we aim to run our house as an "open home" - a place
of love and training where Christians can come and stay and
experience a New Testament-like atmosphere - ministering to the
poor, sharing and praying and fellowshipping together. (-Similar
to the Katrina base in Mississipi - with 2-week stints, etc).

I believe there will be an open invitation to everybody on this List -
but that is at least a few weeks away yet. (-Please watch for it).
But in the meantime, we would greatly appreciate your prayers,
my friends. And please send me feedback on all of this. I would
personally love to hear your thoughts. Here is my email-

God bless you all,

Andrew Strom.