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Posted by: Shalomyshua <Shalomyshua@...>

Dear Brother Cliff: You are so right in your comments. There have been many "underlying" remarks about us on here as well This was not a retaliatory opportunity to "bash" someone. This man, Michael Curry, after reading my response to his letter, wrote and told me that the Pharisees' had written this Scripture from Yochanan {John} which, of course, is not true. I wish all of the pastors would read my letter to Michael Curry, which included the Scripture reference, in question. What I told him was the truth. This lady needs to, first of all, accept Y'shua, put her trust in Him, As you know, we are living in a G-dless generation, We are surrounded with people who never give Him praise in the morning for the day, thank Him for their food and their daily provision; and then when the choices they have made in life manifest themselves into traumatic situations, they call on the G-d that they have never praised and
have never met! As I told Michael she must meet the Man from Galillee!

I rarely answer any of the items that are discussed, back and forth on this pastor mail, but I really felt that this one had merit and that I might have a feasible suggestion to this lady coming to Messiah! I am not interested in reading 30 or 40 comments about cloning or some other meaningless things that daily bounce back and forth. As far as the Baptist remark, Two of my best friends are Baptist pastors right in this area with big churches and they ask me frequently to speak about Messianic expositions of the Torah and Brit Chadasha.

What I meant by the remark was not bashing,, but that Mr. Curry, instead of realizing that the Scripture is the answer to the ladies dilemma, he turned the meaning around and diverted it to the Pharisees...........That is legalism.......We are Jews, and we interested in the "emiss" of Y'shua.

I love all of the pastors on here, I am against denominational dimensions, I am so delighted to tell you that I have made that great leap of coming out of Rabbinic Judaism and finding Y'shua the man from Galilee who is the living way! All of the postings that we send each day, center on Him, not on issues or controversies! The fields are white with harvest and the workers are few! We want to harvest. By the way, Jo-ann had the ladies pray at our prayer shield for this "fellow struggler" that we all need to do to ask Y'shua Ha' Maschiach to come into her life and draw her close to Him............   As far as Jack Peters is concerned, we love Jack, and we respect him highly and if he feels that a reprimand is due or if he wants to remove us from this pastor mail, we will, indeed, submit to his authority and wisdom~~~~~~~As a Jew, I love the Torah and I cannot see the sense in someone searching for some reason to provoke an argument, instead of challenging that energy into the salvation of the person at hand.

The gospel of John is the good news of Messiah Y'shua reported by Yochanan {John} not any legalists or Pharisees.......

In the future it will be our focus to not respond to general topics that are thrown "out there." I know as a completed Jew, that sometimes our views are different and we will keep on bringing you the insight and the Jewishness of our precious Messiah! By the way, Jo-ann and I want to thank the many, many pastors on pastor mail that contact us direct for our opinions and insights of the Hebrew Tanakh....We receive as many as 75 E-mails per day from Israel and all over the world, and from Hebrew scholars that read our messages and would be able to pinpoint in a second any untruth or false teachings.

We love all of the Baptists all over the world tonight!!!

                             In His Shalom,  Pastor Dick & Jo-ann