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To Right the Wrongs

Posted by: jas <jas@...>

Cloudburst Syndicated Poetry
Copyright (c) 2010, J. Randal Matheny

By J. Randal Matheny

I wish that I could right the wrongs
Of all the world, protect the weak,
And heal all ills; but half and more
Were still undone, for souls careen
To a devil's hell, unchecked, untamed.

Were fullest health and peace secured,
Complete prosperity gained and shared,
And public coffers overflowing,
No permanent good would at last remain,
For eternal homes would echo, empty.

A greater deed than doctors do,
Who save a life that someday dies,
And mightier feats than the mightiest king
Who leads his nation's lords and subjects,
Does he who turns and heals a soul.

That soul will never die, no, never!
In him an orb of evil rules,
And he who converts the heart of man
Quenches a flaming, perishing realm
And rights the wrongs of all the world.

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