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To Share

Posted by: amazinggraze <amazinggraze@...>

Good morning Ladies,

I just wanted to share some things with you. I may be doing this from time to time, so I will put "To Share" in the subject line, so you can delete it if you wish.

Someone wrote just the other day about the Flylady website and list. I would highly recommend it to anyone. She uses humor and lots of reminders to help you get your house in order and keep it in order. BY TAKING BABY STEPS!! It is encouraging. One of the first things she tells you to do is to get dressed each morning including your shoes. Now, I normally do not wear shoes in the house at all. I had shared this tidbit of information with my darling husband. When he called the next morning from work, he asked me if I had my shoes on. 🙂 I told him, "No, I never wear shoes in the house." He said, "There you go, changing the rules already." This was said to me very much in a playful manner. He was not fussing in the least. I do not have a fusser husband (which I probably need at times). However, in his saying that, it made me think. What would it hurt to put shoes on. Yes, I prefer them off, but maybe things have gotten to where they are, by me preferring little things over what someone else does or say. So, I put my shoes on. I have to admit, it hardly bugged me at all. Then, I did something that I NEVER do, unless we are having company. I made my bed. Now, many of you probably make your bed on a regular basis. Things are so busy here on the farm, and I can close my bedroom door, so I just figured that is one thing that I can let go. Now, I have been married for 22 years. My husband has never even mentioned that he would like the bed to be made. In fact, I don't think he ever really thought about it. However, he came home last night and went in to change clothes. He immediatly (before he even changed his clothes) came and found me and gave me a big hug and kiss and said, "Wow, you made the bed." I was flabbergasted. I asked him about it later. He said, that it really didn't bother him that the bed had not been made, but that it showed that I cared and had pride in how our home looks. He thinks that we need to do these things to be an example to our children. I don't have a daughter, so I am not training a little "Keeper At Home", but I do have a son, and I am showing him what a godly (fitting and orderly is how God does things) home should look like. Even if it is a mess, I am showing him, but I am showing him wrongly. Then I am in sin. Anyway, I highly recommend subscribing to the Flylady's list. I don't know if she is a Christian or not, but she has a good system to get and keep you home orderly.

God bless each of you, if you made it this far in the reading. If these "sharings" really bother you, let me know that too. I don't want to be offensive or act like I have arrived. I have NOT!!!!!!!!! 🙂 But I am traveling to get there.

Wanting to please my Lord and Savior,
Marci, Adopted List Momma
Amazing Graze Farms

Keep striving to be the best Keeper At Home you can be!!