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"TOO BUSY" Wednesday

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

I'm too busy to spend time in reading God's Word,
And too busy to find time to pray.
I'm too busy to teach a Sunday School class.
There just aren't enough hours in each day.
My time is all scheduled from morning till night,
With dozens of tasks to be done.
I rise before dawn, and I scarce catch my breath
Till long after the setting of sun.
And Sunday's the only day I can sleep in.
I'm so tired I need time to unwind.
But yet there is cleaning and laundry to do,
And multitude jobs I still find.
My family and friends have to take a back seat,
While hoping I'll soon squeeze them in.
I'm living on coffee and vitamin pills;
Seems each day's gone before I begin.
I'm planning some day to go back to my church,
And perhaps find some fellowship there.
I'm sure I'll have time then to study the Word,
And time to meet Jesus in prayer.
But today I'm too busy to change my routine,
Because there's so much left to do.
I just hope when my life ends, and I meet the Lord,
He won't say, "I'm too busy for you!"
I am your little prayer rock
And this is what I'll do
Just put me on your pillow
Until the day is through
Then turn down the covers
And climb into your bed
And (whack), your little prayer rock
Will hit you on your head,
So that you will remember
As the day is through
To kneel and say your prayers
Just as you intended to.
When you are all finished
Just drop me on the floor.
I'll stay there all night long
To give you help once more...
At waking in the morning
Clunk, I'll stub your toe
So you will remember
Your morning prayers before you go.
Now put me atop your pillow
When your bed is made
And your clever little prayer rock
Will continue in your aid.
Because your heavenly father
Cares and loves you so,
He wants you to remember
To talk to him, you know.
Author Unknown
Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara
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