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Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

It was advertised that the devil was going to put his
tools up for sale. On the date of the sale, the tools
were placed for public inspection; each tool being
marked with its sale price. They were a treacherous
lot of implements...Hatred, Envy, Jealousy, Deceit,
Lying, Pride, and so on.
Laid apart from the rest was a harmless looking tool,
well worn and priced very high.
"What is the name of this tool?" asked one of the
purchasers, pointing to it.
That is Discouragement", replied the devil.
"Why have you priced it so high?"
"Because it is more useful to me than the others. I can
pry open and get inside a man's heart with that when I
cannot get near him with my other tools. Once I get inside,
I can make him do what I choose. It is badly worn because
I use it on almost everyone, since very few people know
that it belongs to me."
My friend, don't let Satan discourage you in anyway. You
are God's child and have the victory already won. All you
have to do is keep your faith on the King of Kings and
Lord of Lords, Jesus Christ. The devil will not have a
chance to discourage you, even with his best tools.
<>< I'LL BE THERE ><>
I'll Be Here!
I cannot ease your aching heart,
Nor take your pain away;
But let me stay and take your hand
And walk with you today.
  I'll listen when you need to talk,
I'll wipe away your tears;
I'll share your worries when they come,
I'll help you face your fears.
  I'm here and I will stand by you,
on each hill you have to climb;
So take my hand, let's face the world ...
And live just one day at a time.
You're not alone, for I'm still here,
I'll go that extra mile;
And when your grief is easier, I'll help you learn to smile!
<>< Drug Problem ><>
I had a "drug" problem when I was a young person. I was "drug" to
church on
Sunday morning. I was "drug" to church on Sunday night, and I was
"drug" to
church on Wednesday night. I was "drug" to Sunday School; I was "drug"
vacation Bible school and "drug" to the family altar to pray. I was
"drug" to the woodshed when I disobeyed my parents, told a lie, brought
a bad report card or did not speak with respect.
Those "drugs" are still in my veins, and they affect my behavior in
everything I do and say and think. They are stronger than cocaine,
crack or
heroin. If more children had this "drug" problem, America would
certainly be
a better place.
Have A Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara
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