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Train of Life Tuesday

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

"Train of Life"

Some folks ride the train of life
Looking out the rear,
Watching miles of life roll by,
And marking every year.
They sit in sad remembrance,
Of wasted days gone by,
And curse their life for what it was,
And hang their head and cry.
But I don't concern myself with that,
I took a different vent,
I look forward to what life holds,
And not what has been spent.
So strap me to the engine,
As securely as I can be,
I want to be out on the front,
To see what I can see.
I want to feel the winds of change,
Blowing in my face,
I want to see what life unfolds,
As I move from place to place.
I want to see what's coming up, 
Not looking at the past,
Life's too short for yesterdays,
It moves along too fast.
So if the ride gets bumpy,
While you are looking back,
Go up front, and you may find,
Your life has jumped the track.
It's all right to remember,
That's part of history,
But up front's where it's happening,
There's so much mystery.
The enjoyment of living,
Is not where we have been,
It's looking ever forward,
To another year and ten.
It's searching all the byways,
Never should you refrain,
For if you want to live your life,
You gotta drive the train!
author unknown
When I was young and in my teens
I dreamt of things to be
The day I got behind the wheel
Would set my spirit free.
I knew the day would surely come
I'd hold that sweet diploma
So full of dreams and youthful schemes
The smell of sweet aroma.
Thoughts of college filled my head
Excited, could not wait
Surely, I would find myself
And come to know my fate.
With my degree, I had it made
My life was looking up
Into the working world I went
A time to fill my cup.
With wedded bliss, the one I loved
This was my bag of tea
A lovely home, a tiny child
So much was yet to be.
The ladder of success, I'd climbed
I'd reached my goal in life
With no time left for anything
My life was filled with strife.
Now middle aged, my parents gone
The aches and pains set in
The children grown and on their own
I felt a grief within.
The golden years were closing in
Retirement was to come
I'd waited all those years for this
Old age had now begun.
Wise and gray, I think about
Those years so long ago
And how I'd hoped for them to pass
A better life to show.
But through it all, I missed the boat
Be happy where you are
For if you wish your life away
You'll miss the shining star.
Today is all that matters
A gift from God above
Unwrap the many treasures
And fill your hearts with love.
Whether nine or ninety-nine
It never is too late
To find the joy in living
To pray and meditate.
For fretting just brings sorrow
Today is full of spring
There's beauty in this hour
And joys that it will bring.
Forget your toils and troubles
Don't think about the past
Today is filled with sunshine
With blessings built to last.
Marilyn Ferguson
"Knowing the Bible is one thing. Knowing the Author is another!"
Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara
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