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Posted by: prophetic <prophetic@...>

ANDREW STROM: A number of groups and movements seem to
have latched onto the concept of a 'City church' as though it is
"their thing". Well, originally it was GOD's thing - because it is all
the way through the Book of Acts! -I certainly believe it is on His
end-time agenda - but He will "blow away" any man-made attempts
to bring it about before time. Those who have seen the 'Transform-
ations' videos will recall the city of Cali in South America - and the
great citywide prayer meetings that occured there. Some try to
dispute it, but I believe that the 'Transformations' videos are truly
anointed and sent by God for this hour - and I have little sympathy
with opposers. Some of them need to watch lest they oppose the
Spirit of God Himself. This was a "GOD" thing long before MAN
took any notice of it. Cali is one place that is pointing the way
forward to what is to come. I believe God is going to go even further
than this in the days ahead, but Cali is certainly a place we need
to watch. (More below).

CALI Update

For 11 years the city church in Cali, Colombia has come together
in powerful, all-night, united prayer vigils. March 24, 2005 was the
twenty first such gathering. This time approximately 50,000 people
filled the stadium, many staying until five or six o’clock in the
morning. The preaching was done by the pastors in Cali, not big-
name outside speakers. Miracles of healing followed the preaching
of the Word....

At the beginning of the vigil, the mayor of Cali addressed the
assembly and said his goal is to see the displaced people of his
region find their "true home in Christ." Ron Pierce, from Empower
Ministries of Surrey, B. C., Canada, said, "In all my travels around
the world, I have never heard such a heartfelt and sincere confession
of faith in Jesus from a government official. I can fully understand
why God is ‘cleaning up’ Cali, as He sees the religious and
governmental leadership coming together in a desperate cry for
God to heal their land.

The Movement Spreads

Ruth Ruibal said, "For the first time during these 11 years of vigils,
another 95 cities, towns and villages throughout Colombia also held
prayer meetings in their area. Just a few days prior to the event,
only 30 had made a commitment to participate in their area, but
God started moving in the hearts of the leaders, and one by one
they joined in to seek the Lord for seeing Colombia completely
transformed by the power of God. It was so encouraging!"

Crime Rates Drop

The week following the prayer vigil, newspapers reported that
homicides had dropped 60.9 percent during Easter week in Cali
and the surrounding metropolitan areas. Ruth Ruibal reports,
"Other crimes also dropped in similar proportions. The authorities
reported that in 12 years this has been the most significant
decrease that has been registered in Cali during this period of time.
In comparison to 46 homicides during Easter week in 2004, only
18 were registered this year (a 60.9% decrease). And it was
particularly noted that there were no homicides on Good Friday
in Cali and its surrounding metropolitan areas—by the way, these
areas had their pastors participating in the vigil. This is the fourth
day of this year in which no homicides were registered. And we
know that this is just the beginning of what the Lord wants to do."

-Forwarded by the Sentinel Group,