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Twenty One Days

Posted by: Asn <Asn@...>

"Relax, Daniel," he continued, "don't be afraid. From the moment you decided to humble yourself to receive understanding, your prayer was heard, and I set out to come to you. But I was waylaid by the angel-prince of the kingdom of Persia and was delayed for a good three weeks. But then Michael, one of the chief angel-princes, intervened to help me. I left him there with the prince of the kingdom of Persia. And now I'm here to help you*" Daniel 10:12-14 The Message

In my 9th grade year, my parents took a business trip to another state and my mom's parents came to stay with us. Two days later my dad lay in the Critical Care Unit of a local hospital and my grandparents went up to be with mom; dad's mother came to stay with us. Upon hearing the news, I went out to the back yard to cry and pray: "Father, please don't let my daddy die." In that moment, an incredible peace came over me - I had an absolute certainty dad wouldn't die. Each succeeding day brought increasingly grave reports; doctors didn't expect him to live. I held my grandmother while she cried bitter tears, fearful of losing her youngest child. God's peace remained on me, however, and was strengthened by phone calls from a dear friend and precious prayer warrior (Thank you, Kay!). Days turned to weeks before the news gradually began to improve, and the day finally came when dad returned home.

I related very closely with Daniel during that period - I knew God heard my prayer on the very first day and the answer had been dispatched, even though the circumstances spoke loudly in opposition. Faith held on to the victory until it was manifest in the natural realm. At other times I have not had that supernatural peace and was more readily swayed by circumstances. Even then, I have been amazed in hindsight as I see the hand of God orchestrating events for His glory and my good.

Perhaps you, like Daniel, are holding on to a scriptural promise. If so, don't lose heart! God's word will never return to Him unfruitful (Isaiah 55:11). Whether it's been 21 days or 21 years, tomorrow could be your day of breakthrough!

Heavenly Father, You are so faithful. You see the greater picture when my viewpoint is so limited. The enemy's most successful tactic is convincing your children to just give up. Help me, please, not to become complacent or faint-hearted and loosen my grasp on the victories that are my inheritance as Your child. I will surrender only to You, my Lord. In Jesus' name. Amen.

Andrea Neumann
Copyright July 7, 2004