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Posted by: spiritualdigest <spiritualdigest@...>

Dear Beloved,


Two are better than one, because they have a good
return for their work: If one falls down, his friend
can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no
one to help him up! (Ecclesiastes 4:9-10, NIV).

"And because [Paul] was a tentmaker as [Priscilla and
Aquila] were, he stayed and worked with them" (Acts
18:3, NIV).

Many people have interpreted the statement of Barak in
Judges 4:8, "If you go with me, I will go; but if you
don't go with me, I won't go" (NIV), as a coward one.
What would a woman do in the war front that made him to
utter such statement? Nevertheless, Barak was not a
coward. He knew the ministry of Deborah then, and he
knew that her going together with him would be a great
success to his expedition. Deborah might rebuke Barak
for his decision, but God gave then victory that day.

On the other hand, Paul, Priscilla and Aquila knew the
importance of togetherness in the work of God, and they
did the work together. Even when Paul left Corinth, the
other two followed him.

Who needs your accompaniment today? Join him/her in
this ministry. Do not think that you can do this work
alone. Find people that will help you - people that
will accompany you as you are doing the work.

Are you ready to do this? Remember, "…we are God's
fellow workers; you are God's field, God's building" (1
Corinthians 3:9, NIV).

In His service,

Bayo Afolaranmi (Pastor)

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