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Two books

Posted by: knyoj <knyoj@...>

Just "out of the blue" (perhaps), two books have come into my hands.
While I was at the lake home of my sister, my lawyer nephew said, "Hey, Uncle Ken, you might like this book. Read it while you are here, but I need it back for our Christian lawyers' Bible study."
Title: No More Christian Nice Guy
Then I went to the Monday morning men's cell group yesterday and a great friend hands me a book and recommends that I read it.
Title: Why Men Hate Going to Church
I found myself saying "yes!!" over and over while reading the first book but only got part way through and had to leave it.
The second book needs to be read by all in church leadership. At first, I thought it was going to be a bit "frothy," but by about page 22, it started getting exciting and meaningful.
I will hold my final thoughts on it until I read it all, but right now it is resonating strongly with me.
I would recommend reading the second book mentioned first, and then the first mentioned (am I clear on that!?!)  of what little I know of both. I'm reading it now, and will order the first book I started at the lake. There is a huge amount of truth in both. Of course, books like this deal with generalities, as they both admit in the writings of each, but I find the core very "on the mark." These two books may hold some significant keys as to why churches have two women to every man statistically.