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Posted by: lifeunlimited <lifeunlimited@...>

Sometimes the real news is difficult to discern from "afar", so I wanted you to know I have just learned from a colleague in Kiev that the Ukraine Supreme Court has ruled the recent elections as invalid and a new election must be held.  Possible day for that election is December 26th, although that is still not certain.
Ukraine is rising up against the ten years of corruption and "cronism" that has plagued the country since Communism fell.  Never since its independence thirteen years ago has there been such a groundswell of hope and optimism, and never have so many people participated in the process.
Please continue praying for the country of Ukraine.  Pray that God will be honored, and the selection of president, Prime Minister, and all cabinet ministers will be in harmony with God's purposes.
There is still a very real possibility of things getting out of control, and of some of the southern and eastern regions trying to secede and become independent republics that would align with Russia.  So, continue praying for this beloved country.
And pray for us as we draw closer to our anticipated return on December 30th.  If the elections are indeed held then or the following Sunday, it may delay our return.
In His Bond,
Bob and Jo Ann

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