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Unspoken Sermon

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

There will be no Idea-Central papers for a few days. We will be vacationing with family. We Will see you in a few days.
<>< Unspoken Sermon ><>
A member of a certain church, who previously had been attending services regularly, suddenly stopped coming to church.
After a few weeks, the Pastor decided to visit.
The Pastor found the man at home alone, sitting before a blazing fire.
Guessing the reason for his Pastor's visit, the man welcomed him, led him to a comfortable chair near the fireplace and waited.
The pastor made himself at home but said nothing. In the grave silence, he contemplated the dance of the flames around the burning logs.
After some minutes, the Pastor took the fire tongs, carefully picked up a brightly burning ember and placed it to one side of the hearth all alone.
Then he sat back in his chair, still silent. The host watched all this in quiet contemplation.
As the one lone ember's flame flickered and diminished, there was a momentary glow and then its fire was no more. Soon it was cold and lifeless.
The Pastor glanced at his watch and realized it was time to leave, he slowly stood up, picked up the cold, dead ember and placed it back in the middle of the fire. Immediately it began to glow, once more with the light and warmth of the burning coals around it.
As the Pastor reached the door to leave, his host said with a tear running down his cheek, "Thank you so much for your visit and especially for the fiery sermon. I shall be back in church next Sunday."
We live in a world today which tries to say too much with too little. Consequently, few listen. Sometimes the best sermons are the ones left unspoken.
A man may go to heaven...... without health, without wealth; without fame, without a great name; without learning, without earnings; without culture, without beauty; without friends and without a thousand other things--- But he can never go to Heaven without Christ.
Sometimes the best conversation between two people, is when nothing at all is said.
Faith sees the invisible, believes the incredible and receives the impossible!

Sent to you In Love, like unto that of my Savior May God Bless You!
<>< + <>< + <>< + <>< + <>< + <>< + <>< + <>< + <>< + <>< + <>< + <>< + <><

<>< Once Upon A Pew ><>

Once upon a pew I sat And heard the preacher ask,
"We need someone to teach a class, Now who will take this task?"
Then God sat down beside me there And said, "Son, that's for you."
"But, Lord, to stand before a class is one thing I can't do.
Now Bill would be the man to call, there's nothing he won't do.
I'd rather hear the lesson taught from here upon my pew."
Once upon a pew I sat And heard the preacher ask,
"We need someone to lead the songs, Now who will take this task?"
Then God sat down beside me there And said, "Son, that's for you."
"But Lord, to sing before a crowd Is one thing I can't do.
Now Brother King will do the job, there's nothing he won't do.
I'd rather hear the music played from here upon my pew."
Once upon a pew I sat And heard the preacher ask,
"I need someone to keep the door, Now who will take this task?"
Then God sat down beside me there And said, "Son, that's for you."
"But saying things to strangers, Lord, Is one thing I can't do.
Now Tom can talk to people, Lord, there's nothing he won't do.
I'd rather someone come to me And greet me on the pew."
As years just seemed to pass me by, I heard that voice no more.
Until one night I closed my eyes And woke on heaven's shore.
'Twas four of us together there to face eternity.
God said, "I need just three of you to do a job for me."
"O Lord, I cried, "I'll do the job, there's nothing I won't do."
But Jesus said, "I'm sorry, Friend, In Heaven there's no pew."
Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara
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