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up to date news

Posted by: dgarnera <dgarnera@...>

Thank you all for baring with me. Jeff has been released on bail. He
cannot have any contact with me. It doesn't seem that his po will have
his probation revoked (a very bad thing-he would be sent to prison), and
we are just praying that at his sentencing they will not ask for more
time served. He will have to start over with more criminal evaluations
(about $1000 needs to be pulled together for this), and possible
counseling before he can be allowed home.
He will be looking into getting a second job. He has nights and weekends
available to work. He needs to come up with this money as well as extra
gas money as he will be living further away from work, and just some
money to get ahead. Please be praying that he finds a job easily.
He will be back at work tomorrow. Thank God. I am numb though. I cannot
see my husband. The kids their dad. No one cares about my thoughts on
any of this.
So I am on my own. I am lost.
So first he needs to find a job, then he needs to get all the money
together that he can to pay for these evaluations- the sooner he gets
those done the sooner he gets home. If we were made of money we would
pay for them now and get these evals this week. The more he gets
accomplished before his sentencing the better. But, alas, we don't so we
wait for God to provide.
I do so appreciate your prayers on our behalf. I am so numb. I just want
to curl up in bed and sleep forever. But... my little ones wish to be
fed. 😉
love and blessings to all, Debra