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update 7/3

Posted by: dgarnera <dgarnera@...>

I spoke with my husband for the last time, until this is resolved. His
po is very mad, ranting raving mad. She said "Do you think that you can
just pick and choose what rules you have to follow? Well I know my
reccomendation to the courts." She did make note that jeff was sole
provider for this family. BUT.... She scared the bejeebers out of him
and he lied. AAHHHGGGG!!!! He told her that yes he moved us here in
September, but he was not living with us until we moved to the new
house. Thats when the dams burst for me. How can you expect God to
answer prayer when you lie??? I told him that. And if she found out that
he lied then it will make things 10 times worse. SO he is going to have
to tell her the truth. And pray Gods blessing for being honest.
Absolutely no contact. From the beginning there should have even been no
phone contact. But she has admitted that she knew that Jeff was moving
to Ca to be with me after the probation was over. How would jeff know
this if he hadn't been in contact. And she has not even seen him in 4
months. She has been gone during all of his monthly visits. She was not
totally doing her job either.
Jeff is preparing for the worst. She could revoke his probation and
require that he spend the rest of his probation in jail. That is 6
months. She could ask that he spend time in jail as well as finish his
The good news is that he will have a better judge for the hearing. Judge
Nelson. He is a christian, a family man. I am praying that he sees the
wisdom in letting him continue to work. To support his family. It is
ludicrous to think that it is better for him to be in jail than to be
supporting and providing for his family. He is not a menace to society,
to us. He was ignorant. He made a mistake. He doesn't need to punished
any further.
Court is set for 8:30 am on 7/13. I was asked to attend.
Thank you for your continued prayer.
I know God is in control. I know it could be worse. I am thankful I am
not a widow. But I am a bit emotional right now. Wondering how I will
provide for my children and myself if jeff is in jail.