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Update on dh's medical test

Posted by: bossypantsblueeyes <bossypantsblueeyes@...>

Mark had another round of electrical conduction tests done Thursday with a new-to-us doctor. The doctor struggled to find where the ulnar nerve had been moved during dh's surgery in 2012. He had to repeatedly shock dh over and over in the same area near his elbow to try to find the nerve. The doctor kept apologizing for inflicting more and more pain. He showed us the "wave" on the screen which should have been the same for above the elbow and below it, but in dh's case, they weren't the same. The doctor couldn't explain what he was seeing. He called dh a "tough case". Remember, the other doctor called him "an anomaly" 🙁 Testing on the left side was much quicker and easier. This doctor believes the ulnar nerve (one that was relocated in 2012) is being compressed at the elbow and possibly at the wrist. The other doc that tested dh in July said the ulnar nerve was affected at wrist, but NOT at elbow. Also, mild carpal tunnel on right side. That was "fixed" in 2012, but has either returned or this is as good as it was following surgery. Left wrist has moderate carpal tunnel syndrome, and maybe some ulnar nerve compression but not enough to matter yet.
So, we see the hand specialist on Wednesday morning to see what she recommends. According to this week's doc, If dh does nothing, his muscles may atrophy to the point that he will be unable to use his right hand. We can't know for sure if that would happen or how long it would take, but his strength is already decreased. If he has surgery, he should see improvement, but there is no guarantee it will fix the problem. For now, we probably won't have to do anything about the left hand, but will likely be facing surgery on it in the future. This is pretty upsetting news to a man who needs strong hands for his job as well as for what he does at home...woodcutting, car and home repairs, etc. We have never paid people to do anything, dh has always done the bulk of what we need.
Prayers are appreciated!
Lisa NM


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