Update on Roger's mom
Quote from Forum Archives on March 18, 2014, 9:25 amPosted by: rxdca <rxdca@...>
On 3/12/2014 3:00 PM, Douglas Anderson wrote:<blockquote cite="mid:[email protected]" type="cite"> Kathy Crump (Douglas' Mother-in-Law) - Stroke
Mrs. Blackwood (Roger's mom) - heart valve, coronary blockageFrom Roger:
Just an update. My mom has been is home since Thursday and I stayed with her until this morning. She is able to putter around her house with some o2. The surgeon does not want to cut on her if he can avoid it. They are trying to get her approved for a cath procedure to repair the aortic valve. The trial is for a valve called Sapien-3. We should find out this week if she has final approval. Assuming she does get the green-light, they will do the procedure on 3/24 or 3/31. If she gets a no on the approval then we are looking at a different cath-valve procedure 1 - 3 months down the line. She has a f/u appointment on Friday at the Heart Hospital.
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Posted by: rxdca <rxdca@...>
<blockquote cite="mid:[email protected]" type="cite"> Kathy Crump (Douglas' Mother-in-Law) - Stroke
Mrs. Blackwood (Roger's mom) - heart valve, coronary blockage
From Roger:
Just an update. My mom has been is home since Thursday and I stayed with her until this morning. She is able to putter around her house with some o2. The surgeon does not want to cut on her if he can avoid it. They are trying to get her approved for a cath procedure to repair the aortic valve. The trial is for a valve called Sapien-3. We should find out this week if she has final approval. Assuming she does get the green-light, they will do the procedure on 3/24 or 3/31. If she gets a no on the approval then we are looking at a different cath-valve procedure 1 - 3 months down the line. She has a f/u appointment on Friday at the Heart Hospital.
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