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Posted by: amazinggraze <amazinggraze@...>

This is a large family.  They have lots of their own, although I only know of one biological child still at home.  She is in her late teens.  They adopted 8 children from Guatamala.  I think 7 of those are still at home.  The Dad had already left for work.  The Mom was planning on staying home today.  Everyone including her was still in their jammies.  She saw smoke coming from their registers and hollered for the children to get up and out.  She said she stood at the bottom of the stairway counting children as they went out the door.  They are Mennonite, so I doubt they have insurance, although they have great community support.  They had a very large lovely home.  There is nothing at all left of it.  🙁  She is praising God that everyone got out though because it went up so quick.  They don't have any sort of fire in their house.  They had one of those outdoor furnaces.  They have a larger camper and that was pulled away from the house and heat, so she is thankful they can have some sort of base.  They have lots of family in this area as well. 
Only by His merciful grace,
Mike & Marci
He is no fool who gives up what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose.  Jim Elliot
Amazing Graze General Store - Bosch, Berkey Water Filters, DLX, Nutrimill, Champion Juicers and lots more!!!
----- Original Message -----

From: <a href="">Amazing Graze Farm
To: <a href="">AAA
Sent: Wednesday, November 06, 2013 8:33 AM
Please Please pray!!!!! One of our neighbor's houses is totally engulfed in flames!!

Only by His merciful grace,
Mike & Marci
He is no fool who gives up what he cannot keep to gain that which he cannot lose.  Jim Elliot
Amazing Graze General Store - Bosch, Berkey Water Filters, DLX, Nutrimill, Champion Juicers and lots more!!!

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