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Upon My Bed

Posted by: jas <jas@...>

Cloudburst Syndicated Poetry
Copyright (c) 2006, J. Randal Matheny

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by J. Randal Matheny

In night's dark quiet, upon my bed,
I think on what I did and said
Throughout the day,
If faith held sway,
If Christ was Lord, my guiding Head.

Nocturnal breezes bid reflect
If words' and actions' full effect
Upon my neighbor
Was love's kind labor,
Or selfish motive's mad neglect.

The crickets' chirps, the owls' hoots
For conscience' sake are God's recruits
To probe my heart
And plumb the chart
I plotted with all my earlier fruits.

Before I'm overcome with sleep,
Instead of counting bounding sheep,
I count good deeds
Like righteous seeds,
A sowing another soon will reap.

My God will give me a peaceful rest;
Today I did my faithful best;
My night will seem
A pleasant dream,
For I have come to bed well-dressed.


Other responsabilities kept me from posting, but
here are comments from the last poem, "Day of
Sorrow" (29 Mar).

"Excellent rephrasing/interpretation. Your poem
conveys volumes in little space." --Patti, Toms
River NJ

"Lovely! And this came at a time when several
heartaches became known to me. How God does work
sometimes to ease our pain!" --Mary, USA

"It is so true, but isn't it sad that we cannot
seem to learn without sorrow or trials! I must say
that I don't 'get' some of your poems, but this
one struck home. Jan Meyers quotes Gerald May in
'Addiction and Grace' saying '... in our society
we have come to believe that discomfort always
means that something is wrong.' While we seem to
only learn through sorrow, we don't see that as
God showing us how to do things 'righter' if one
can say it that way. --Tulin, Istanbul, Turkey, at
the moment


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