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Date: Wed, 14 Jan 2004 18:38:15 -0600

"Urban Warrior"
-by William Coleman.

The Lord is in His "Preparation Mode". This is the time in
which He prunes those who are dissatisfied with themselves
(they have finally come to grips with His reality), the church
(they now realize that the church is a Kingdom instrument),
and the world (they have tasted its water and found it
lifeless, bitter). The process of pruning requires that we go
back to the "altar", for it is at the altar, (the place of death;
the altar of total surrender), that we find life. John 12:23-26;
Phil. 3:7-9.

When death to all is accomplished, we move into the realm
of Christ's destiny. It is here that we will be "used" of God.
This "used" is literal (Matt 5:11-12; Mark 9:35). It will entail
the "fellowship of His sufferings" (Phil 3:10-11), the fleshly,
painful conforming to the image of Christ. For those who
wish to "walk with Him in the cool of the day" we must
allow Him to place us in His reality, the place where His
presence saturates us; the baptism of fire; the purging of
all that separated us from Him. This is necessary. It
cannot be bypassed.... We must burn in His Holy Fire!

When we come from the furnace of Holy Fire, the
characteristics that He places in us become manifest in
our hearts. The "fruit" of the Spirit (our character) will
blend with the gifts or as the original Greek says,
"spirituals", and cause the "new man" to break forth.
This new man is generic; male and female; "man and
womb-man" (Gen. 5:2). This will be the "Urban Warrior",
the "last-day soldier of the cross", the "Sons of Zadok"
(Ezek. 44) of the "third-day church." With prayer,
intercession, worship, and the Word and Spirit, they will
by God's power do Jeremiah 1:10: See, I have this day
set you over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root
out and to pull down, to destroy and to throw down, to
build and to plant.

There are twelve characteristics that the Urban Warrior will
manifest. They will be:

Unselfish, committed, devoted, Kingdom-minded, free,
faithful, steadfast, progressive, warlike, aggressive,
powerful, dangerous.

Mercy will be their mantle; and in God's mercy (judgment
flows through mercy) they will be like the army of Joel 2.
These are the ones being prepared for the last-day battle.

Thank you, Lord, for raising up your people in this hour.
Forgive us for trying to figure out what you are doing;
and forgive us for our unbelief and complaining. We now
realize that the valley always leads to the mountaintop!
We praise you, Lord, for the valley!
-William Coleman has been pastoring in the inner city
of St. Louis, USA, for about fifteen years. You can
reach him at -