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Posted by: lifeunlimited <lifeunlimited@...>

We've just received an urgent e-mail from our oldest daughter, Cindy, concerning Deanna and baby Nicole.  Here is a part of the report.  This would have all happened around Noon CDT, which is about an hour and a half from when I'm mailing this to you, so Jim is still probably two or three hours away.
Please pray, friends!  We will keep you posted as soon as we know any more.
Bob and Jo Ann
Cindy's note:
We were just at Culver’s [that's a restaurant in Des Moines, Iowa where Jim, Deanna's husband, had gone to meet a niece and nephew who are coming to take care of their two other children during delivery and recovery]  with Jim and Cal and the Johnson kids, when Jim got a call from Deanna.  She is at the hospital in Quincy.
She had her “regular” appointment this morning.  During the ultrasound, there was undue stress on the baby.  During the NST, Deanna had a contraction and Nicole’s heart rate went way down lower than it should.  So Deanna is currently being prepped for a c-section In Quincy.  Then Nicole will be life-flighted to St. Louis.
Jim, Cal, Anya and Misha are “flying” down the highway.  I just talked to Cal on his cell phone to get “clear” info (as clear as they know, right now).  He says someone is going to meet them on the LaGrange overpass, so that Jim can keep heading to Quincy.  Of course, he will not get to be there when Nicole is born, and I guess (in my thinking and understanding), there’s a very good chance Nicole will already be gone to St. Louis by the time Jim gets to Quincy.
Bob Tolliver
IBC - Hope4Kyiv
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