Use Your Gift
Quote from Forum Archives on September 26, 2008, 5:55 pmPosted by: <@...>
He makes the whole body fit together perfectly. As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love. (Ephesians 4:16 NLT)
If you are committed to a church, are you using your gifts within that church? (See Romans 12 for a listing of gifts.) Or have you been sidelined because you somehow don't measure up? Sadly, as the church has pursued a professional quality standard in every area of ministry, a number of people have become wounded pew-sitters instead of healthy, active parts of the Body.
Please don't misunderstand; I am not criticizing a quality presentation by any means. My purpose here is to address those who are caught in the middle - those who find themselves stuck on the sidelines when their congregation changes direction or their gifting is otherwise less than sought after. If you find yourself in this category, rest assured that you are not alone and that there is no condemnation here.
With regard to gifts, we each have two responsibilities:
1. Guard your attitude. No matter what others think of you or how much they have hurt you, guard your heart. Other people are responsible for their own behavior; you are responsible for yours. Nail every hurtful word to the cross of Jesus and ask God for the grace to leave it there. The opinions of others do not define you or your gift. Just because others do not see the value of your gift doesn't mean it has no value. God has need of you.
No one cared about the songs of a young boy out watching his father's sheep. But it didn't matter; David sang them to God and guarded his heart. When the opportunity came, he sang them in ministry to King Saul, and guarded his heart. When God made David king, a whole nation sang the songs he had written. And centuries later, people still sing them today.
2. Use your gift. Don't wait to be "discovered." If necessary, look "outside the box" for ways to use your gift. For example, many talents are well suited for children's ministry, and I've never met a children's pastor yet who doesn't appreciate help. Read a story or illustrate one visually, volunteer to help with crafts or with an illustrated sermon. Lead a song, serve a snack or give a hug. Be specific about what you're volunteering for and don't worry - there are many ways to help other than teaching a class.
John the Baptist had a message few people wanted to hear. He wasn't invited to the synagogues to speak; crowds didn't flock to the arena to hear him. It didn't matter; he used his gift. And God used him to prepare the way for the Messiah.
Heavenly Father, You have established gifts within Your body and You intend for them to be used. Thank You for those gifts. Help each of us to find ways to utilize what You have entrusted us with and not take it for granted. May we become the Bride You have chosen - a true reflection of You. In Jesus' precious name, amen.
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Posted by: <@...>
He makes the whole body fit together perfectly. As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love. (Ephesians 4:16 NLT)
If you are committed to a church, are you using your gifts within that church? (See Romans 12 for a listing of gifts.) Or have you been sidelined because you somehow don't measure up? Sadly, as the church has pursued a professional quality standard in every area of ministry, a number of people have become wounded pew-sitters instead of healthy, active parts of the Body.
Please don't misunderstand; I am not criticizing a quality presentation by any means. My purpose here is to address those who are caught in the middle - those who find themselves stuck on the sidelines when their congregation changes direction or their gifting is otherwise less than sought after. If you find yourself in this category, rest assured that you are not alone and that there is no condemnation here.
With regard to gifts, we each have two responsibilities:
1. Guard your attitude. No matter what others think of you or how much they have hurt you, guard your heart. Other people are responsible for their own behavior; you are responsible for yours. Nail every hurtful word to the cross of Jesus and ask God for the grace to leave it there. The opinions of others do not define you or your gift. Just because others do not see the value of your gift doesn't mean it has no value. God has need of you.
No one cared about the songs of a young boy out watching his father's sheep. But it didn't matter; David sang them to God and guarded his heart. When the opportunity came, he sang them in ministry to King Saul, and guarded his heart. When God made David king, a whole nation sang the songs he had written. And centuries later, people still sing them today.
2. Use your gift. Don't wait to be "discovered." If necessary, look "outside the box" for ways to use your gift. For example, many talents are well suited for children's ministry, and I've never met a children's pastor yet who doesn't appreciate help. Read a story or illustrate one visually, volunteer to help with crafts or with an illustrated sermon. Lead a song, serve a snack or give a hug. Be specific about what you're volunteering for and don't worry - there are many ways to help other than teaching a class.
John the Baptist had a message few people wanted to hear. He wasn't invited to the synagogues to speak; crowds didn't flock to the arena to hear him. It didn't matter; he used his gift. And God used him to prepare the way for the Messiah.
Heavenly Father, You have established gifts within Your body and You intend for them to be used. Thank You for those gifts. Help each of us to find ways to utilize what You have entrusted us with and not take it for granted. May we become the Bride You have chosen - a true reflection of You. In Jesus' precious name, amen.
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