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Posted by: bobaubu <bobaubu@...>

Hello ...
Just a note of anticipated excitement .. of some sort ... leaving tomorrow (Friday) for vacation in Navarre, Florida (near Pensacola) with my family.  A family in church gave us the use of their beach front condo for the week (Aug 7-14).  This is most likely be our last all family vacation, since my oldest son leaves for college on August 20.  I am hoping to be a beach bum for a few days.  I will be leaving the priestly garbs of pastor behind for a week.  🙂
I will be off pastormail list for this time and will be back later.
Enjoy the day and glorify God in it.
Bob AuBuchon
Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God. 1cor1031

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