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Posted by: lifeunlimited <lifeunlimited@...>

Dear Friends:
Earlier this evening I received an important letter from our dearest friends, "M" and Ira, about whom we write often.  As you remember, they are like our children, and are part of the ministry we had in Kiev.  "M" is part of the Pastoral Leadership Team at the church we helped start, and he leads the growing ministry to Farsi speakers that now operates in four cities.  Ira is part of the worship team at church, and as also a bold and courageous witness.  They serve as missionaries to the international, Ukrainian, and Farsi people of Ukraine.  You read reports of their ministry almost every month in our regular "LUMglobal" monthly praise and prayer letter.
The two of them, rather the "three" of them, are facing a very hard time just now emotionally and financially.  "M" is a fulltime student in his last year of university studies, Ira is five months pregnant and going through the typical roller coaster ride affiliated with pregnancy, and neither of them are able to work enough to meet personal financial needs.
I'm including some excerpts of the letter I got from "M" so you can better understand the situation:
Thank you again for your love and care in helping us financially and bringing up our needs before other believers.  We are probably going through the hardest time in our life - both financially and emotionally.
We haven't advertised for Ira to get more students because no student wants to learn English with her only for the next 3 months. Because when our child will be born, she won't be able to teach them regularly anymore.  So currently only 2 students are left for her.
I'm studying in the last year and there's no way for me to get a job because it's a very hard year. You know all about the education system here. So ["F"] and I are in a pressure of compensating all the studies on our own.   The schedule of university and ministry, and doing most of the shopping and paying the bills (because Ira really can't do any of those anymore) have taken away the opportunity of finding even a part time job from me.
So as our expenses grow almost daily in Kiev , our income has decreased so much so that every month we have to have at least a minimum of 750$ to level our expenses and we are barely making one third of it.

I'm writing to you all about it so you could be able to pray for us better and to know where we are now. Honestly, I feel better as I write and I don't keep it all within. We're really thankful for your support and you have done much more than you had to really do for us. Please don't feel that we expect from you to do more for us. We are so blessed to have friends/parents (or maybe grandparents 🙂 ) like you and we praise the Lord for knowing you in our lives.

We know that this hard time will pass and the spring is on the way. The Lord has been always faithful to us, and has neither forgotten nor forsaken us.
I'm sure you can see the seriousness of their financial need at this time, not only for their daily need, but also the need to put away some funds for the birth of the baby which, I think, is due around February or March.  So, I am writing to ask you to consider sharing financially with Jo Ann and me in the ministry and life of these young missionaries.  We would love to send them a very generous offering that would help sustain them for the next three or four months.

You can do so by sending a designated gift made out to Life Unlimited Ministries with "Kiev Persian Ministry" on the memo line.  As you know, Life Unlimited is a 501.c.3 non-profit evangelistic and missionary organization incorporated in 1981, so your gift is tax deductible.  We will, in turn, send 100% of what you give directly on to "M" and Ira.
Please pray about this, and if the Lord prompts you to give, please do it quickly.  We can have the gifts deposited stateside and then taken out almost immediately through ATM machines in Kiev.
If you do intend to give, please drop me a note at and let me know what you're intending to do.  Every little bit will help.  This is a serious time for "M" and Ira.
Thanks for praying.  Please continue doing that for them.  And, thanks for considering a gift of love.
In His Bond, By His Grace, and For His Kingdom,
Bob and Jo Ann
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Bob Tolliver
Life Unlimited Ministries
Note My New E-Mail Address.
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Bob Tolliver
Life Unlimited Ministries
Note My New E-Mail Address.

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