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VIDEO on the ECONOMIC CRISIS - please watch!

Posted by: prophetic <prophetic@...>

VIDEO on the ECONOMIC CRISIS - please watch!

It was just over two years ago that we began to publish articles
linking the US housing crash with a coming great Depression.
(At the time almost no-one thought there was even going to
BE a housing crash!) One of the first people we ever quoted on
all this was NYU economist Nouriel Roubini - who was almost
a "lone voice" at the time. Now the housing crisis has got so
bad that it has turned into a massive Banking crisis - and as we
know the US Mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were
bailed out of virtual insolvency by the US Government this week.
(The biggest bailout in history). I stand by my statements over
the past two years that great Depression lies dead ahead.

Below is a link to an excellent video featuring Nouriel Roubini and
others being interviewed on the Charlie Rose show this week. If
you want to understand what is going on and why, then please
watch this video-

God bless you all.

Andrew Strom.