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Posted by: prophetic <prophetic@...>


[-A vision given during Winter 2001]
~by Michael Edds.

I moved to Cleveland, Ohio in June 2000 to assume the position
as Head of School for an interdenominational Christian High
School. The school was new but had severe problems, the most
severe totally unknown to me. Prior to my arrival, a teacher had
been arrested for involving a student in pornography. The teacher
had been convicted and sentenced. Upon my arrival, the incident
had become front-page news in the community. To say the least,
I was shocked and angry with the board who hired me and with
God who sent me.

One night I could not sleep. I was very angry with the Lord for
putting me into this greatly stressful mess. "Surely, I thought,
I desire better than this." Around 2 am, I got up to sit on the
couch and pout. In spite of my upset state, anger and disgust,
the Presence of the Lord settled in the living room. God did not
even pay attention to or address my complaint. Instead, His
presence was so strong that I physically trembled. He spoke
these words, "Old Wells, Fallen Mantles, and New Fountains."
He instructed me to get my Bible. By that time, I too had set
aside my complaint. His Presence was so great that I did not
know if I could survive it.

I opened my Bible to Isaiah 35: 3-7:
"The eyes of the blind shall be opened, and the ears of the deaf
shall be unstopped. Then shall the lame man leap as a hart,
and the tongue of the dumb shall sing, for IN THE WILDERNESS
SHALL WATER BREAK OUT and streams in the desert. AND THE

I was directed to verse 19 of [Isaiah 43]: "Behold I WILL DO A NEW
THING. Now it shall SPRING [BURST] FORTH. Shall ye not know it?"

The Lord was moving so quickly through the scriptures that I could
hardly keep up. His presence was incredibly strong. I felt like I
was floating. Leaving Isaiah, the Lord took me to Joel 2:23: "He
will cause to come down for you the rain, THE FORMER RAIN
was given which states: "It shall come to pass afterwards that

Finally, Genesis 26:18 finished the scriptures that the Lord was
rapidly giving me: "AND ISAAC DUG AGAIN the WELLS of water

The Lord revealed the meaning of this vision:
The Early Church experienced the fullness of God. They had the
fullness, the gifts and revelation of the Holy Spirit. They were full
of boldness, power and anointing. God turned the world upside
down through them. The dead were raised, the blind received
sight, the possessed were set free, the sick healed and the
Gospel was preached to the poor. The anger of Hell was
violently aroused. The more the devil persecuted and killed them,
the more they multiplied and spread. So Satan changed his
tactics. By 300 AD Roman Emperor Constantine made Christianity
the official religion of the Empire. What Satan could not do through
persecution, he accomplished through promotion, position, power,
prestige, acceptance and prosperity. They SOLD OUT! The
Church backslid and the all humanity fell into the brutality of the
Dark Ages.

The purpose of each Great Awakening or the bursting forth of a
spiritual well was to restore an element of truth that the Early
Church possessed back to the church. Luther restored 'the just
shall live by faith'. Wesley, Whitefield, Edwards and the First
Great Awakening restored repentance, inward holiness and
"Christ in you." The Second Great Awakening with Barton
Stone at Cane Ridge in the West and Francis Asbury in the East
brought restoration in society through evangelism, missions,
and great social renewal such as abolition, child labor laws, and
suffrage movement. The Third Great Awakening of 1857 restored
the power of prayer. Azusa Street Outpouring of 1905 restored
the infilling and gifts of the Holy Spirit. The Lord stated that He
was going to reopen all of the "old wells" of revival in order to
restore TOTAL truth to His church.

Fallen mantles of ministry and anointing that rested upon the
great men and women of God of old would be picked up and
placed on godly men and women today to finish what was started
long ago. They are the "Isaacs" that will revisit the old wells of
revival and reopen them. The mantles of ministry did not die nor
were they buried with Asbury, Wesley, Stone, Amanda Berry
Smith and others. They have only been "on hold" until a
generation would be born that could relate to them and pick them
up. Isaiah 58:12 refers to them: "And they that shall be of thee
shall build the old waste places, thou shall raise up the
foundations of many generations, and thou shall be called the
repairer of the breach, the restorer of paths to dwell in." The Lord
said, "What once was shall be again."

Malachi 4:5 prophecies that "I will send you Elijah the prophet
before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord. And
He shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart
of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth
with a curse." He said this was not just a generational
reconciliation between the old and the young. It is a restoration
of His people to the Faith once delivered to the Saints, the Faith
of our fathers. The Lord said He was tired of the apostasy,
deadness, programs, personality cults, plans and politics that
have nearly destroyed His church. He is going to restore HIS
church by returning the "Faith of our Fathers to their children
(descendants) and the children (descendants) to the Faith of our
Fathers." The old wells will BURST forth and the fallen mantles
will be picked up. This will be a "suddenly". Isaiah speaks of it
occurring in the desert places and on the barren heights. In
other words, it will happen in the most unlikely of places. The
Lord continued His interpretation of the vision by explaining to
me that "NEW FOUNTAINS" would gush or break forth also.

Something that has never occurred in any Great Awakening or
in any historic move of God will exploded upon the scene in our
day. Joel 2:23 speaks of God sending the former rain (the Old
Wells of revival) and the latter rain (the New Fountains) in the
SAME MONTH!!! In other words, all of the moves of God and
fallen mantles from Pentecost until now will be reopened and
picked up and combined with a totally new thing from God. It
will literally shake the church and the world. HE WILL RESTORE
the church to go out defeated. HE WILL ARISE FOR HIS OWN

God has been preparing a "Joseph Generation" that has been
enrolled in the "School of Dung." In this schooling, they have
endured the pain of rejection, slander and isolation. The 'Word of
the Lord' has tried them severely. They cry out, "God why? All I
wanted to do is serve you. All seems to have 'gone to hell in a
hand basket'. It seems just the opposite of what You promised.
I am lonely, the organized church thinks I am crazy, a fanatic,
out on a limb. They have rejected me and hated me because of
my love for you. WHY, OH LORD?"

God has been preparing and perfecting these Josephs in the
darkness and in the prison houses of loneliness and isolation for
a day and hour that they will be unleashed as a secret weapon
on the kingdom of darkness. He has allowed all of these things
to happen to them for their good. He has prepared a people that
He can trust with His power, gifts, and anointing. In holiness,
humility and boldness they will fulfill His plans in our day. They
will give HIM the glory. They will give HIM total control of the
coming Great Awakening. The door of their prison house of
utter loneliness and rejection is about to open. Their "word" is
about to come. That word is "the King has need of thee." In
a moment, they will be ushered from prison to position. In a
moment, they will fully understand their long and severe sufferings.
In a moment, they will be brought out into the light of God's divine
destiny for them. God will use them to lead the Coming Great

Along with this final Great Awakening is coming Divine Judgment.
Isaiah 35:4 declares, "Your God shall come with vengeance, even
God with a recompense." God is going to overthrow the abuse
and control of man in His church. He's going to take back the
'ship' that has been turned into a luxury liner and restore her
back to her original state: a ship of war. HE IS GOING TO TAKE
BACK CONTROL OF HIS CHURCH!!! The Church is HIS bride,
not someone else's. Additionally, this nation is going to be
greatly shaken.

The First Great Awakening preceded the American Revolution.
Before the Second Great Awakening began at Cane Ridge,
Kentucky, a massive epidemic of Cholera occurred. In its early
days, the Third Great Awakening saw every bank in the nation
collapse. This awakening was followed by the greatest disaster
in American History when the nation was ripped apart and
600,000 Americans perished in the horrific War Between The
States. A great earthquake hit California at the same time as
the Azusa Street Outpouring. He is going to shake the Church
and this nation. Only that which is of Him will be left standing.

A great hunger for repentance, seeking God, seeking holiness
and seeking truth has exploded within the 'Joseph Generation'.
They have studied, researched and sought out the Old Wells of
revival. They intensely hunger for God to do it again! They cry
out, "Just one more time, oh Lord!" Programs, politics,
personalities, manipulation, and plans in the church sicken them.
THEY MUST HAVE GOD! They MUST be in His presence! They
are meeting in the homes, in the fields, in the woods, in their
prayer closets and any place that they can totally seek His face.
Their despair has turned into an all-consuming hunger that says,
"Give me God or let me die." GOD HAS HEARD! He is about
to reopen the old wells of revival, He is picking up the fallen
mantles and placing them on men and women, and He is about
to do a new thing!

Every Awakening has incurred the wrath and persecution of man.
When the Presence and holiness of God confronts mankind,
they must make a decision for or against Him. When they
choose to reject Him, they lash out and fight against His
messengers. In the mid-1700s, the Baptist in Colonial Virginia
were beaten, imprisoned, and killed for preaching the Gospel.
The Methodist circuit riders were jailed, tarred and feathered,
beaten, abused and martyred for the message of God. The
reason there is little persecution against the Church in America
today is that there is so little of the Presence and Message of
God to confront mankind. The world has heard how to get rich,
how to prosper, how to have self-esteem, and to feel good. They
have not heard the message, "Repent or perish." They have not
heard the anointed Word of God that demands a decision. Be
forewarned, The Final Great Awakening will usher in a wave of
persecution against the true Church of God. Old Wells of Revival
are on the threshold of being reopened. Fallen Mantles of ministry
are being picked up. New Fountains are rumbling beneath the
surface and about to burst forth. Frank Bartleman (chronicler of
the Azusa Awakening) once said, "To understand what God is
going to do, we must understand what He once did." The most
incredible move of God will suddenly explode upon the scene.

Judgment and a great shaking are coming to the land and to the
church. Persecution of the Isaacs and Josephs, the true saints
of God will occur. However, they will be covered with such zeal
and boldness, they will be like the Fathers of old: "And they
loved not their lives even until death." (Rev 12:11) God will
harvest a holy remnant from this generation. He will have a church
that is without spot or wrinkle, a pure bride for His Son. Be
encouraged. Lift up your heads. Your God has come! "The King
has need of thee!"

~Mike Edds.