Quote from Forum Archives on September 18, 2003, 8:08 pmPosted by: prophetic <prophetic@...>
-Joel M. Killion <>On 14 September 2003 at Living Faith Fellowship (a local
church which My wife and I attend) during evening worship:While in a lull during worship I saw a flood of water CRASH
through the windows, doors and every possible crack that it
could come through. White water rapids OVERTOOK the
entire sanctuary and the crowd was VIOLENTLY CRUSHED
by its power. (I was IMMEDIATELY reminded of Ezekiel 47
and Revelation 22, BUT this was MUCH MORE SEVERE.). It
felt like a thousand fire hoses where shooting this surge of
water into the room at every possible angle. Even the wind,
which accompanied it, was at Gail force. [It was clear to me
that this was a manifested visitation from God in our very midst.]It was fascinating as well to witness the various responses
that came from the people - leadership and laity alike. It
seemed that mass hysteria hit once the river crashed into the
Sanctuary, BUT not everyone followed suit: A distinction
between the righteous and wicked was clearly made: The
MAJORITY panicked while SOME PRAISED the God of
Heaven. MANY scrambled for the nearest means of protection
while the MINORITY sat in peace and rest. MASSES of
people ran IN FEAR for the closest EXIT (People said, "Get
me outta here") but SOME shouted and rejoiced with boldness
unto the Lord of all things. Truly, this SEEMING disaster
unveiled the true heart of ALL men.Somehow this whole experience is linked to the present
hurricane called ISABEL, which literally means 'CONSECRATED
UNTO GOD.' God has consecrated a disaster for everything
that is not of, for and from Him. I am reminded of THE FLOOD
which killed everything and everyone who was not within the
place of Divinely ordained protection. There is a remnant in the
earth called "NOAH" - they have heard the Lord's instructions
and are building a holy ARK (think of the ARK in the HOLY of
HOLIES). Everyone who has NOT heard from God is mocking
this righteous New Creation Man saying, "Noah, are you
crazy? No disaster will come. No flood has EVER come upon
the earth (the church) - you are out of your gord. All is well. I
love you, you love me, we are one big happy family. You're a
Christian, I'm a christian. God is happy and all is just fine. No
worries mate. You don't have to build this ark - you won't
need it. Besides, we're all going to be raptured out of here
in no time flat, so chill out buddy. Take it easy, take a
breather and don't be so serious. Life is short - have some
fun. Get off your high horse and get REAL for once. Besides,
God never meant for you to be so FOCUSED that you can't
have a little fun in this life. Come with us and lets have some
fun getting sloshed in the Holy Ghost. Lets just get drunk on
the Holy Ghost and get blessed. Lets wallow on the floor and
roll on the floor 'cause Jesus loves us and He JUST wants to
bless our socks off. We are saved and filled with the Holy
Ghost. All is well. Just come on and we'll take care of you,
bro."These silly minds have no clue about present truth or the
purposes of God. They habitually cry out, Peace, peace, when
there IS NO peace. Their nonchalant attitude, if not adjusted
rightly, will cost them their lives if they are not careful.Psalm 107:23-30, KJV:
"They that go down to the sea in ships, that do business in
great waters... They reel to and fro, and stagger like a drunken
man, and are at their wits' end... Then they cry unto the LORD
in their trouble, and he bringeth them out of their distresses.
He maketh the storm a calm, so that the waves thereof are
still. Then are they glad because they be quiet; so he bringeth
them unto their desired haven."[-In other words, HELL always PRECEDES HEAVEN.]
A great flood is coming. The firstfruits of it have already begun
to show up. Warning signs are everywhere. It is not being
aimed at the earth or the world. It is being aimed at the
church. All LEAVEN must be purged from that which is
called to be one with the BREAD of Life. All DEATH (dead
thinking, dead speaking and death living) must be separated
from those who are called to be unified to the LIVING Water.
All SIN must be crushed out of those who are destined to
live in Him Who is HOLY. All religious tradition cannot be
tolerated in those who were born to become the pure
expression of the Kingdom of our Lord and His Christ. All
laziness and idleness is destined to be ripped out of those
who are called to be part of a King-Priest Ministry. All duality
and doublemindedness cannot abide in those who are called
to be single in their vision and ministry. Jesus MUST become
our ONLY vision - anything less is simply a waste of valuable
time. All human passion, opinion and desire must be drowned
out.A flood has come, is coming and shall come but what is to
come will dwarf all that has come thus far. It REALLY is an
ISABEL ("CONSECRATED UNTO GOD"), therefore, do not
curse it but embrace it.
Posted by: prophetic <prophetic@...>
-Joel M. Killion <>
On 14 September 2003 at Living Faith Fellowship (a local
church which My wife and I attend) during evening worship:
While in a lull during worship I saw a flood of water CRASH
through the windows, doors and every possible crack that it
could come through. White water rapids OVERTOOK the
entire sanctuary and the crowd was VIOLENTLY CRUSHED
by its power. (I was IMMEDIATELY reminded of Ezekiel 47
and Revelation 22, BUT this was MUCH MORE SEVERE.). It
felt like a thousand fire hoses where shooting this surge of
water into the room at every possible angle. Even the wind,
which accompanied it, was at Gail force. [It was clear to me
that this was a manifested visitation from God in our very midst.]
It was fascinating as well to witness the various responses
that came from the people - leadership and laity alike. It
seemed that mass hysteria hit once the river crashed into the
Sanctuary, BUT not everyone followed suit: A distinction
between the righteous and wicked was clearly made: The
MAJORITY panicked while SOME PRAISED the God of
Heaven. MANY scrambled for the nearest means of protection
while the MINORITY sat in peace and rest. MASSES of
people ran IN FEAR for the closest EXIT (People said, "Get
me outta here") but SOME shouted and rejoiced with boldness
unto the Lord of all things. Truly, this SEEMING disaster
unveiled the true heart of ALL men.
Somehow this whole experience is linked to the present
hurricane called ISABEL, which literally means 'CONSECRATED
UNTO GOD.' God has consecrated a disaster for everything
that is not of, for and from Him. I am reminded of THE FLOOD
which killed everything and everyone who was not within the
place of Divinely ordained protection. There is a remnant in the
earth called "NOAH" - they have heard the Lord's instructions
and are building a holy ARK (think of the ARK in the HOLY of
HOLIES). Everyone who has NOT heard from God is mocking
this righteous New Creation Man saying, "Noah, are you
crazy? No disaster will come. No flood has EVER come upon
the earth (the church) - you are out of your gord. All is well. I
love you, you love me, we are one big happy family. You're a
Christian, I'm a christian. God is happy and all is just fine. No
worries mate. You don't have to build this ark - you won't
need it. Besides, we're all going to be raptured out of here
in no time flat, so chill out buddy. Take it easy, take a
breather and don't be so serious. Life is short - have some
fun. Get off your high horse and get REAL for once. Besides,
God never meant for you to be so FOCUSED that you can't
have a little fun in this life. Come with us and lets have some
fun getting sloshed in the Holy Ghost. Lets just get drunk on
the Holy Ghost and get blessed. Lets wallow on the floor and
roll on the floor 'cause Jesus loves us and He JUST wants to
bless our socks off. We are saved and filled with the Holy
Ghost. All is well. Just come on and we'll take care of you,
These silly minds have no clue about present truth or the
purposes of God. They habitually cry out, Peace, peace, when
there IS NO peace. Their nonchalant attitude, if not adjusted
rightly, will cost them their lives if they are not careful.
Psalm 107:23-30, KJV:
"They that go down to the sea in ships, that do business in
great waters... They reel to and fro, and stagger like a drunken
man, and are at their wits' end... Then they cry unto the LORD
in their trouble, and he bringeth them out of their distresses.
He maketh the storm a calm, so that the waves thereof are
still. Then are they glad because they be quiet; so he bringeth
them unto their desired haven."
[-In other words, HELL always PRECEDES HEAVEN.]
A great flood is coming. The firstfruits of it have already begun
to show up. Warning signs are everywhere. It is not being
aimed at the earth or the world. It is being aimed at the
church. All LEAVEN must be purged from that which is
called to be one with the BREAD of Life. All DEATH (dead
thinking, dead speaking and death living) must be separated
from those who are called to be unified to the LIVING Water.
All SIN must be crushed out of those who are destined to
live in Him Who is HOLY. All religious tradition cannot be
tolerated in those who were born to become the pure
expression of the Kingdom of our Lord and His Christ. All
laziness and idleness is destined to be ripped out of those
who are called to be part of a King-Priest Ministry. All duality
and doublemindedness cannot abide in those who are called
to be single in their vision and ministry. Jesus MUST become
our ONLY vision - anything less is simply a waste of valuable
time. All human passion, opinion and desire must be drowned
A flood has come, is coming and shall come but what is to
come will dwarf all that has come thus far. It REALLY is an
ISABEL ("CONSECRATED UNTO GOD"), therefore, do not
curse it but embrace it.