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Posted by: prophetic <prophetic@...>

Date sent: Fri, 21 May 2004 23:18:01 EDT

We have been too long inside the four walls and in our own little groups.
Many are dying and not finding out about salvation and the love of Jesus and
how He died for us.

I will share briefly a vision the Lord gave me several weeks ago. It
started with me seeing a vision of a very tall man in overalls and he was
a farmer. I asked him who he was and he stated he was the planter of the
Word. I have to admit at first it frightened me and I prayed and said,
Lord if this is not of you, make it go away. When I opened my eyes, he
was still there and he was smiling at me. I asked him again who he was
and he replied, I am the Planter of the Word. I asked him what did he
want and he stated that He was preparing the Bride for the harvest. I
started to ask him more, but he was gone. I prayed for several days about
this and then I knew there was more so I asked Holy Spirit to let me know
what it meant.

That night I dreamed the following dream. I was in a church service and
in the dream the Lord came to me and said, come here I want to show you

It was as if I were zoomed away and he then told me to look down. I
looked down and there was a wheat field and it was all bent over and as I
looked I saw that the stems were mildewed I asked the Lord, what is this. He
stated, there were not enough laborers for the harvest. I felt so sad and
began to cry.

He then showed me another field. In this field, the wheat was about 12
inches tall but there were lots of sticker weeds in it. I asked the Lord
what is this. He stated this is the fruits of not having enough laborers
in the first field. I was really devastated by then.

He then said, come here and look. I looked down and there was the Planter
of the Word and He was plowing and planting seeds. I asked the Lord, what
are you showing me? He stated to me that He was planting a field and in
this field He was planting seed for His Bride. Never again, would there
be a field like the first one for His Bride could be trusted. He was
preparing Her even now for the great harvest to come. I felt a sense of
excitement. When I woke up, I prayed and asked our Lord to forgive me and
not ever let me be one who was not ready for the harvest.

Cathy Asher