VITAL BOOK -for ANY DONATION -(even $2.90 postage)
Quote from Forum Archives on October 17, 2005, 3:00 pmPosted by: prophetic <prophetic@...>
even just $2.90 POSTAGE MONEYFor awhile now I have been trying to get one of Ray Comfort's
books that I can offer to everyone on this List. I have been blessed
and inspired by Ray's ministry now for 20 years. He was one of
the first people to give me an understanding of "HOW" to preach
for 'CONVICTION OF SIN' - and why this is so necessary. God
gave him insights that are truly simple to apply - yet so profound.
Like me, he has studied many of the great Revivalists. But it is
more than that. There are insights here, straight out of Scripture,
that will make you say, "Wow, I never thought I could do that -
but this is so simple." His teachings have made preachers and
evangelists out of a lot of Christians. "Yes - you can do it!"Here is what one leader said about Ray's material: "I get emails
daily about miraculous salvation connections! People who literally
days before the revelation were saying things like, "I cannot witness,
it's not my gift, don't judge my heart," are now leading teams into
the malls and the streets and winning souls out of hell!"I have personally seen the practical results of Ray's ministry now
for 20 years, and I'm telling you, a lot of people have been greatly
changed and revolutionized by these simple teachings. Even years
later, they will tell you how pivotal it was. When I am conducting a
'Youth Training' weekend, I use a couple of Ray's DVD's to
demonstrate "How to preach for Conviction of sin", 'How to lead
people to REPENTANCE (-not just a "little prayer")' - and so on.
The impact has been like a light going on in people's heads - truly powerful.The good thing about this book is that it is not just about one topic -
it covers Ray's whole ministry, and his insights on a whole range of
things. For instance, when he first came to the USA, he ministered
for many months in California's MacArthur Park - amongst the
homeless, the murderers, the drug addicts, the prostitutes, etc.
Many hair-raising stories! And many heart-felt insights too. Ray
has encountered some amazing demonic situations in deliverance
ministry as well. So there are many insights on these and other
things. In fact, Ray's whole ministry has been one long adventure
in a lot of ways. I cannot recommend this book highly enough.The book is called 'Out of the Comfort Zone' and it is quite a decent
size - 272 pages long. We are offering it to you for *ANY* donation
(-even just $2.90 to cover postage). We do not want people missing
out on important things like this, just through lack of finances.So for those who are able to send a 'donation' - that would be great.
It is deeply appreciated. But for those who can only afford the
'postage' amount, that is fine. We will be happy to get the book to
you for that. (-In the USA the postage is $2.90, but if you live way
down in New Zealand or Australia, unfortunately the postage is
NZ$12.50. -Sorry, it is quite a thick book and there is nothing we can do).WHAT TO DO to get this book:
First, simply REPLY to this email, so that we know how many
people are wanting it.Second, simply send your donation to the following address:
Andrew Strom,
PO Box 9852,
Kansas City,
MO 64134,
USA.-[Please remember to include your ADDRESS. And we will get the
book off to you ASAP].I look forward to hearing back from you if you want this book, my friends.
God bless you all!
Kindest regards in Christ,
Andrew Strom.
Posted by: prophetic <prophetic@...>
even just $2.90 POSTAGE MONEY
For awhile now I have been trying to get one of Ray Comfort's
books that I can offer to everyone on this List. I have been blessed
and inspired by Ray's ministry now for 20 years. He was one of
the first people to give me an understanding of "HOW" to preach
for 'CONVICTION OF SIN' - and why this is so necessary. God
gave him insights that are truly simple to apply - yet so profound.
Like me, he has studied many of the great Revivalists. But it is
more than that. There are insights here, straight out of Scripture,
that will make you say, "Wow, I never thought I could do that -
but this is so simple." His teachings have made preachers and
evangelists out of a lot of Christians. "Yes - you can do it!"
Here is what one leader said about Ray's material: "I get emails
daily about miraculous salvation connections! People who literally
days before the revelation were saying things like, "I cannot witness,
it's not my gift, don't judge my heart," are now leading teams into
the malls and the streets and winning souls out of hell!"
I have personally seen the practical results of Ray's ministry now
for 20 years, and I'm telling you, a lot of people have been greatly
changed and revolutionized by these simple teachings. Even years
later, they will tell you how pivotal it was. When I am conducting a
'Youth Training' weekend, I use a couple of Ray's DVD's to
demonstrate "How to preach for Conviction of sin", 'How to lead
people to REPENTANCE (-not just a "little prayer")' - and so on.
The impact has been like a light going on in people's heads - truly powerful.
The good thing about this book is that it is not just about one topic -
it covers Ray's whole ministry, and his insights on a whole range of
things. For instance, when he first came to the USA, he ministered
for many months in California's MacArthur Park - amongst the
homeless, the murderers, the drug addicts, the prostitutes, etc.
Many hair-raising stories! And many heart-felt insights too. Ray
has encountered some amazing demonic situations in deliverance
ministry as well. So there are many insights on these and other
things. In fact, Ray's whole ministry has been one long adventure
in a lot of ways. I cannot recommend this book highly enough.
The book is called 'Out of the Comfort Zone' and it is quite a decent
size - 272 pages long. We are offering it to you for *ANY* donation
(-even just $2.90 to cover postage). We do not want people missing
out on important things like this, just through lack of finances.
So for those who are able to send a 'donation' - that would be great.
It is deeply appreciated. But for those who can only afford the
'postage' amount, that is fine. We will be happy to get the book to
you for that. (-In the USA the postage is $2.90, but if you live way
down in New Zealand or Australia, unfortunately the postage is
NZ$12.50. -Sorry, it is quite a thick book and there is nothing we can do).
WHAT TO DO to get this book:
First, simply REPLY to this email, so that we know how many
people are wanting it.
Second, simply send your donation to the following address:
Andrew Strom,
PO Box 9852,
Kansas City,
MO 64134,
-[Please remember to include your ADDRESS. And we will get the
book off to you ASAP].
I look forward to hearing back from you if you want this book, my friends.
God bless you all!
Kindest regards in Christ,
Andrew Strom.