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Posted by: patricia <patricia@...>

Erin - My friend lives in Federal Way. I think it is near Spokane.
I remember building our home and trying to get settled in. It was exciting
and exhausting!
We just recently went and picked strawberries, which have already been made
into jams, preserves and some frozen. Children really enjoy this.
Sometimes the simplest things can be great blessings!
I am looking into once a month cooking for when we go to China around Dec.
(we are adopting a little girl) I will need to stock up for a couple of
months. Any suggestions? I'm going to check out the book "Once a Month

Boy Debra, it looks like you have developed a pretty nice garden for what
your working with! We have a little of everything planted. We have
planted a lot of watermelon and are going to be planting a bunch of
pumpkins! Which I am excited about.

Hickory Lodge

Let the words of my mouth & the meditation of my heart
be acceptable in Your sight,
Oh Lord, my strength & my redeemer --Psalm 19:14