Waiting On Him
Quote from Forum Archives on May 10, 2005, 10:01 amPosted by: Asn <Asn@...>
But those who wait for the Lord [who expect, look for, and hope in Him]
shall change and renew their strength and power; they shall lift their
wings and mount up [close to God] as eagles [mount up to the sun]; they
shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint or become
tired. Isaiah 40:31 AMPI admit it: waiting is a tough thing for me. I want to DO something,
for heaven's sake; to keep moving; to progress toward the goal, even if
the goal is unclear. But many times, God says simply, "Wait." "Wait
for the promise of the Father" (Acts 1:8). "Wait here and keep watch"
(Mark 14:34). "Wait patiently for the Master's arrival" (James 5:7).
Even in heaven, they are waiting (Revelation 6:11). So what does it
mean to wait? According to Webster's:To stay in place in expectation of - God orchestrates the time clock of
the universe with great precision. Like a racehorse at the starting
gate, sometimes we are held in place awaiting His perfect timing. Jump
ahead means we go back to the starting gate to wait.To serve - Yes, serving is doing something; yet to truly serve others
requires the same humility that Jesus expressed when He washed His
disciples' feet.To be ready and available - Just as our soldiers must maintain readiness
at all times to respond to orders, so we also, as soldiers of the cross
(2 Timothy 2; Ephesians 6), must be ready and available at all times to
obey our Father's commands.To remain temporarily neglected or unrealized - What? Okay, hold it
right there! In our "me first" generation, that's a tough one to
swallow, isn't it? But isn't that what Jesus referred to in Matthew 6
when He said not to focus on our own needs but to "seek first the
Kingdom of God" and trust God to work all things together for our good?Heavenly Father, I must admit that sometimes waiting is hard. Waiting
requires not only patience, but trust. Yet You remain true to your
word: when I wait before You I am strengthened. When I wait before You
I can rise above the stormy winds. When I wait before You, there is
strength to run life's race and finish strong. Lord, please teach me to
wait. In Jesus' name, amen.To subscribe: <adevotionalgroup-subscribe@welovegod.org>
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Posted by: Asn <Asn@...>
shall change and renew their strength and power; they shall lift their
wings and mount up [close to God] as eagles [mount up to the sun]; they
shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint or become
tired. Isaiah 40:31 AMP
I admit it: waiting is a tough thing for me. I want to DO something,
for heaven's sake; to keep moving; to progress toward the goal, even if
the goal is unclear. But many times, God says simply, "Wait." "Wait
for the promise of the Father" (Acts 1:8). "Wait here and keep watch"
(Mark 14:34). "Wait patiently for the Master's arrival" (James 5:7).
Even in heaven, they are waiting (Revelation 6:11). So what does it
mean to wait? According to Webster's:
To stay in place in expectation of - God orchestrates the time clock of
the universe with great precision. Like a racehorse at the starting
gate, sometimes we are held in place awaiting His perfect timing. Jump
ahead means we go back to the starting gate to wait.
To serve - Yes, serving is doing something; yet to truly serve others
requires the same humility that Jesus expressed when He washed His
disciples' feet.
To be ready and available - Just as our soldiers must maintain readiness
at all times to respond to orders, so we also, as soldiers of the cross
(2 Timothy 2; Ephesians 6), must be ready and available at all times to
obey our Father's commands.
To remain temporarily neglected or unrealized - What? Okay, hold it
right there! In our "me first" generation, that's a tough one to
swallow, isn't it? But isn't that what Jesus referred to in Matthew 6
when He said not to focus on our own needs but to "seek first the
Kingdom of God" and trust God to work all things together for our good?
Heavenly Father, I must admit that sometimes waiting is hard. Waiting
requires not only patience, but trust. Yet You remain true to your
word: when I wait before You I am strengthened. When I wait before You
I can rise above the stormy winds. When I wait before You, there is
strength to run life's race and finish strong. Lord, please teach me to
wait. In Jesus' name, amen.
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