WANTED [DEVOTION] - 29 August 2008
Quote from Forum Archives on August 29, 2008, 9:43 amPosted by: feedtheflock_admin <feedtheflock_admin@...>
The Lord has need of him. – Luke 29 vs 34
As Jesus approached Jerusalem for the last time, He sent two disciples into the city to bring Him a donkey. He told them, “If anyone asks you, ‘Why are you loosing it?’ thus you shall say to him, ‘Because the Lord has need of it’” (Luke 19 vs 31)
As we approach our old years, we may ask ourselves, “Can I still be useful to God? Is there some service I can render that will fill my days with significance? Am I needed?”
Of course you are! God needs you just as He needed the donkey to carry Him through the streets of Jerusalem. He has always needed something or someone to get His work done. He still has useful work for you to do.
Perhaps your work will be one brief task, like the donkey’s single act of service. Or it may be some activity that will fully occupy your years until your Master calls you home. It may be an opportunity to share your faith with someone, to intercede for him, or to love him through extend some small courtesy. There will always be something for you to do.
In the meantime, you and I must stand and wait, preparing ourselves through prayer, bible reading, and quiet listening – ready for the moment that our Lord has need of us.
God has work for all His children, regardless of age or ability. Will you be ready when he needs you?
From Our Daily Bread at www.rbc.org
Prayer is not bending God to my will, but it is a bringing of my will into conformity with God's will, so that His will may work in and through me. When you are in a small boat and you throw out a boathook to catch hold of the shore, do you pull the shore to yourself, or do you pull yourself to the shore? Prayer is not bending the universe to your will, making God a cosmic bellhop for your purposes, but prayer is cooperating with the purposes of God to do things you never dreamed you could do. The highest form of prayer is that of Jesus in Gethsemane: "Nevertheless, not my will, but thy will be done"-- not "Thy will be borne" as we often translate it, but "Thy will be done"--a cooperating with an outgoing redemptive will that wills our highest. -- E. Stanley Jones, How To Pray
God's assignments are not ideas for you to think about or questions for you to meditate on for six weeks. They are directives from the Maker of all things. They are instructions for you to obey. -- Henry Blackaby
God walks with us. . . . He scoops us up in His arms or simply sits with us in silent strength until we cannot avoid the awesome recognition that yes, even now, He is there. -- Gloria Gaither
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Posted by: feedtheflock_admin <feedtheflock_admin@...>
The Lord has need of him. – Luke 29 vs 34
As Jesus approached Jerusalem for the last time, He sent two disciples into the city to bring Him a donkey. He told them, “If anyone asks you, ‘Why are you loosing it?’ thus you shall say to him, ‘Because the Lord has need of it’” (Luke 19 vs 31)
As we approach our old years, we may ask ourselves, “Can I still be useful to God? Is there some service I can render that will fill my days with significance? Am I needed?” Of course you are! God needs you just as He needed the donkey to carry Him through the streets of Jerusalem. He has always needed something or someone to get His work done. He still has useful work for you to do. Perhaps your work will be one brief task, like the donkey’s single act of service. Or it may be some activity that will fully occupy your years until your Master calls you home. It may be an opportunity to share your faith with someone, to intercede for him, or to love him through extend some small courtesy. There will always be something for you to do. In the meantime, you and I must stand and wait, preparing ourselves through prayer, bible reading, and quiet listening – ready for the moment that our Lord has need of us. God has work for all His children, regardless of age or ability. Will you be ready when he needs you?
From Our Daily Bread at http://www.rbc.org
QUOTES: Prayer is not bending God to my will, but it is a bringing of my will into conformity with God's will, so that His will may work in and through me. When you are in a small boat and you throw out a boathook to catch hold of the shore, do you pull the shore to yourself, or do you pull yourself to the shore? Prayer is not bending the universe to your will, making God a cosmic bellhop for your purposes, but prayer is cooperating with the purposes of God to do things you never dreamed you could do. The highest form of prayer is that of Jesus in Gethsemane: "Nevertheless, not my will, but thy will be done"-- not "Thy will be borne" as we often translate it, but "Thy will be done"--a cooperating with an outgoing redemptive will that wills our highest. -- E. Stanley Jones, How To Pray
God's assignments are not ideas for you to think about or questions for you to meditate on for six weeks. They are directives from the Maker of all things. They are instructions for you to obey. -- Henry Blackaby
God walks with us. . . . He scoops us up in His arms or simply sits with us in silent strength until we cannot avoid the awesome recognition that yes, even now, He is there. -- Gloria Gaither
For more visit http://www.surrender.nl/scom and http://www.freewebs.com/scoministry
Do you have any comments or issues concerning your Christian Life? Email to: [email protected]
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