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Was 'TORONTO' a "TEST"? - Andrew Strom

Posted by: prophetic <prophetic@...>

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Was 'TORONTO' a "TEST"? - How it affected the 'Prophetic'.
-by Andrew Strom.

It is now over ten years since the outbreak of the "Toronto Blessing"
movement which swept the Charismatic church beginning in 1994.
I believe it is now possible to look back with quite a bit of clarity -
as to what happened and the effect it had. For those who were
involved with the Prophetic movement in those days (-as I was),
you would have to agree that 'Toronto' had an enormous impact.
The difference between the Prophetic "before" and 'after' 1994 was startling.

As is well-known - and well-documented - the Toronto movement
actually sprang from the ministry of Rodney Howard-Browne (-a
Prosperity preacher from South Africa). In brief, a Vineyard pastor
named Randy Clark was prayed-for and 'touched' at one of Rodney's
meetings, and then took that same 'blessing' into the Toronto Airport
church. And it all exploded from there.

What did this movement involve? Well, as most people remember,
it was largely about 'experiences' and manifestations - many of
which seemed a little bizarre. People in their hundreds were being
struck with uncontrollable laughter, "jerking", shaking, bending,
'drunkenness', etc - for hours at a time. Some would strut around
like chickens, or roar like lions. And sensible well-trained ministers
from around the world were rushing to "get it" and take it back to
their church. Believe me, there was real spiritual "power" associated
with this thing.

Why was everyone so quick to assume that it "had to be God"?
Well, you have to realize that this was being promoted by two of
the most respected movements in the Charismatic world at that
time - the Vineyard movement and the Prophetic movement. (-Not
to mention the 'Word of Faith' movement under Copeland, etc.)

I myself had a lot of respect for the Vineyard in the early 1990's.
The leader of the Vineyard, John Wimber, was holding huge
meetings all over the world on 'Power Evangelism' and restoring
Body ministry - getting ordinary Christians ministering in the power
of the Holy Spirit, etc. A lot of it had been excellent. But I think by
1994 there was already a bit of a decline setting in. The same was
true of the Prophetic movement. The 1980's and early 1990's had
been the "glory" years - but there had been a big disaster and break-
up in Kansas City in 1991. I believe this left the Prophetic somewhat
"blind-sided" and a little desperate.

If you were around during that time, you will remember what a
hunger for 'Revival' was in the air. The prophets had been prophesying
a massive Awakening and Harvest for some years. People were
longing for something - almost ANYTHING - to happen. And then
along came Toronto. Perhaps this was the answer?

And so a whole lot of hungry people got caught up in it. The big-
name prophets were advocating it, and much of the Vineyard also.
(-The Vineyard actually threw it out a couple of years later - but by
that time it was far too late. However, the Prophetic NEVER threw
it out. -Quite the reverse, in fact).

I don't know if you have ever ministered in a church where the pastor
jerks his head suddenly every few moments when he talks, and
emits a little 'yelp'. -Yes, I have preached in a church like that. Or I
don't know if you have been in meetings where you almost felt like
you were in a Zoo - because so many strange 'manifestations' were
occurring all over the room. Yes, I have attended those too.

It very quickly got to the point where the Prophetic movement
became almost the main "carrier" and proponent of 'Toronto'.
Everywhere you looked, you would see the big prophets and the
big Toronto guys ministering together. After awhile it was almost
like they melded into one movement. And the "peer pressure" was
incredible. If you didn't go along with it, you were in trouble.

Speaking personally, from the moment I saw Toronto I was deeply
disturbed by it. In fact, every ounce of discernment within me
screamed out that it was not of God. I felt immediately that this
was the "counterfeit" that was sweeping through before the real
Revival. I felt it was a 'test' - to see if the prophets truly were "lovers
of truth" and also to see if they could be entrusted to lead thousands
of young converts in a full-blown Revival. There is no doubt in my
mind that overall, the Prophetic movement utterly failed this test.
And it has led directly to all the flakiness that we see today. -This
is where it really began.

As someone who was around in those days, I want to tell you that
there has never been anything in the Prophetic movement as
damaging as 'Toronto'. Before it came along there was at least a
modicum of common sense and basic discernment operating. But
afterwards it was like a "dog's breakfast". The most wild things
were occurring - and being completely accepted as being "from God".
People were manifesting in such a way that clearly would have
been considered "demonic" before - but was now accepted as
somehow being "of the Spirit". It was like a kind-of nightmare. I
could hardly believe it. And the pressure to 'conform' was incredible.

Of course, the basic mantra of the whole thing was "not to judge"
these things with your mind. -But to simply "open yourself up" to
them. But isn't this exactly what the New Age teaches? What kind
of 'discernment' is that?

I did some research, and found that none of this stuff was new.
These manifestations had invaded the church before. In fact, if you
do some study you will find that two of the greatest Awakenings in
history were virtually wrecked by them (ie. the First Great
Awakening in America, and also the aftermath of the 1904 Welsh
Revival - an absolute mess). Plus, the Second Great Awakening
at Cane Ridge was almost destroyed by these exact same
manifestations at its inception in 1801 - and barely managed to
survive. (-Look it up!)

As the well-known Revival Leader John Wesley declared: "At the
first, revival is true and pure, but after a few weeks watch for
counterfeits." He also said: "Be not alarmed that Satan sows
tares among the wheat.... he will always ape, and endeavor to
counteract the work of the Spirit of Christ."

And as Charles Finney wrote: "God's Spirit leads men by the
intelligence, not through mere impressions... I have known some
cases where persons have rendered themselves highly ridiculous,
have greatly injured their own souls, and the cause of God, by
giving themselves up to an enthusiastic and fanatical following of

The old Revivalists had to deal with these kinds of false manifest-
ations all the time - as you will see when you look through their
writings. They always had to be on the lookout - lest the Revival be
destroyed. (However, stomping on 'trivial' things was even more
damaging. -They had to keep a very fine balance).

When I first published my findings on 'Toronto' in 1996, I was
immediately attacked bitterly from every direction - especially from
within the Prophetic movement (-which I was part of at that time).
They didn't want anyone spoiling the "party". And so the wreckage

The total lack of discernment amongst so many 'prophets' today,
the silly and unbiblical practices, etc - so much of it originated in
that movement. There is actually a kind "blindness" that develops.
For if someone persists in 'believing a lie' then eventually they will
be given over to it. And this is even more true of prophets. For
prophets are supposed to LOVE THE TRUTH.

So was Toronto a "test"? -I believe it was. And I am convinced that
many of those who led their people to partake of it will be literally
DISQUALIFIED from leadership in the coming move of God. If that
is you, my friend, all I can say is "REPENT - and throw yourself
on the mercy of God." I am convinced that He must have
DISCERNING leaders for the young converts in the next Revival.

Since Toronto, of course, many similar fads have come down the
pike - mainly from the same crowd. There was the spiritual "drunken-
ness" fad, the 'gold dust' fad, the manifestations of "bubbles and
feathers" fad, etc. Now there is "visualizing the third heaven",
'partnering with angels', and all kinds of other things. As I say,
most of it comes from the same deceived crowd - and I look at the
"source" and immediately find it all very suspect. I am sorry, but I
will not receive a 'new spirit' from people who have demonstrated
such an utter lack of discernment in the past.

I would advise you to be very careful also, my friends. The next
move of God will not be simply another round of flakey "experience".
It will be a deep move of CONVICTION OF SIN and TRUE
REPENTANCE. -That is what real Revival has always been about.

To respond to this article, please send any feedback to-

God bless you all.

Kindest regards in Christ,

Andrew Strom.