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Weaning a dairy calf

Posted by: smarties <smarties@...>

Hi there,

Does anyone here have experience with dairy calves? We are very shortly
getting a jersey heifer, and I was wondering at what age do they usually
wean these little beauties? It is actually to be my daughters heifer, and
she has to choose between a 3 mos. and an 8 mos. . The breeder weans them
at 3 mos., but the 3 mos. old won't have been weaned we she arrives. I am
trying to decide whether or not we should wean her(if that is the one Carly
wants) like the breeder does or give her some milk for a bit more. I would
have some goats milk we could feed her. I know dairy farms often wean on
the early side because of economics. I want to follow a program that will
be optimal for the heifers developement.

Naturewood Farm & Fiber
Ashford Spinning Wheels and Looms
White & Colored Angoras, Purebred Toggenburgs,
Llamas, Olde English Southdown Sheep