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Weather report

Posted by: stampinbookworm <stampinbookworm@...>

Good Morning sisters in the Lord!
The weather outside today is 28 degrees. For some reason Naomi wanted me to check that before reading email this morning so I did....she about freaked when she found out how cold it is...I told her to bundle up and wear warm clothes. Guess its that time of year to break out the sweat shirts!

I do have one wonderful thing to report. My daughter and her Big Sister (big brothers/big sisters program) went out to Target last night and had some fun and bought me some silk leggings to wear under my dresses since there were no long johns available. I had tears in my eyes when I said Thank You! It is indeed keeping me warm this morning.

How is everything in your homes today?

Vaughnde Edwards
Missoula, Montana
Praise the Lord, He is Risen Indeed!!