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Weeds In My Garden

Posted by: bigguyhereagain <bigguyhereagain@...>

*~* Weeds In My Garden *~*
Oh Lord, I have weeds in my garden...
No matter how carefully I plan my garden,
Lord, there are always weeds that remind
me of my failings....   Oftentimes  I see
sprouts that include...
-Shaky Faith
Oh Lord, help me to remove those unwelcome plants and replace them with...
-Your Loyalty
-Your Gentleness
-Your Love
-Your Counsel
-Your Compassion
-Your Strength
-Your Concern
-Your Joys
Lord, encourage me to open my heart to
the needs of others whose gardens thirst
for Your Living Waters.
Glory and Praise to You, Oh Lord, for being
the Divine Gardener.
*~* What If God Used The Familiar Excuse *~*
"I'm sorry, all of our angels are busy helping
other saints right now.  However,  your prayer is
important to us and will be answered in the order
it was received, so please stay on the line."
If you would like to speak to:
Gabriel Press 1
Michael Press 2 
For a directory of other angels Press 3 
If you'd like to hear  Press 4
King David sing a Psalm  while you are holding
To find out if a loved one has been assigned
to Heaven, Press 5, enter his or her social security
number, then press the pound key.
(If you get a negative response, try area code 777.)
For reservations at "My Father's House,"
please Enter J-O-H-N, followed by 3-1-6.
For answers to nagging questions
about dinosaurs, the age of the earth
and where Noah's Ark is, please
wait until you arrive here.
 Our computers show that you have already
prayed once today.  Please hang up and try
again tomorrow so that others may have a
chance to get through.
This office is closed for the weekend to
observe a religious holiday.
Please pray again Monday after 9:30 am. 
If you need emergency assistance when this
office is closed, contact your local pastor.
Thank God (today) that He doesn't
have voice mail and He listens
whenever we pray and that
will never change.


Have a Blessed Day
Dave and Barbara

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