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Posted by: marmali <marmali@...>

The girls and I went to Roswell, my mom's town, on Friday afternoon after they babysat for a ladies' Bible study here. My daughter had to renew her driver's permit and the woman at the MVD here couldn't figure it out for some reason. We ran a few errands, did some shopping with my mom and stayed the night with her.
Saturday, we made a major haul of books from the library, shopped at Sam's, and then headed home where we worked for hours preparing food for Easter, putting away everything from Roswell, and various other chores. Dh and the boys had cleaned most of the house, the yards, etc. which was a huge blessing.
Sunday, we went to church and then hosted dinner for family. There were 11 of us total. My two youngest boys had an egg hunt, and we all ate too much junk. We all took it easy after everyone left. It was a nice weekend with dh off Friday. Today, he starts another week of four ten hour days with Friday a day of not having to go to work.
Lisa in NM

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