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Posted by: empalo <empalo@...>

When I was much younger I remember some older women telling
me that it is really wrong to get fat. She went on to explain that
in the time of danger, a fat woman cannot run with her children to
saftey like a thin woman. Natually I just thought she was odd
and never thought much about it. And I gained weight with
nursing my children, then with eating Her works have
come back to me this week.
I was thinking about my weight this morning and if I had had to
run down 70 flights of stairs what would it be like for me.
Then I thought about the pictures I have seen of people running
from the towers as they collapsed.
Then I thought about Matthew 24:20, Could I flee easily with
this extra weight. Sure I can walk miles, I exercise, but
could it be easier if I was not overweight ?
So today I start a diet, or perhaps the better phrase is,
today I stop overeating.
So if you think about it, could you say a little prayer for me
that I stick to my resolve to be fit and healthy, not out of some
inner fear only, but out of regard for my health altogether.
