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Welcome MaryLynn

Posted by: dhaley <dhaley@...>

Welcome to the group MaryLynn. In regards to the goats, may I ask what
breed you owned? I happen to love Nubians but hubby won't let me own them
again. We found them to be terribly hard on our fence lines and experienced
similar problems to yours. When we purchased our Saanens we did not have
this problem.

I also think that sometimes it's has to do with the actual personality of
the goat. If they are born into a larger herd mentality they tend to like
to be more to themselves rather than always with their owners. I know it
may sound cruel but when we've brought a new doe to our place and it seem
she is going to try the fences, we hold her against the electric fence until
she knows it shocks. It's for her protection to be behind fencing...we have
many wolves and bears in our area. We usually don't have any problem after
that. When we don't have them behind electric we find that 48" high 2x4
inch woven wire works well and sometimes run a hot wire on the top to
discourage jumping....don't give up....I don't even have fences right now
and I have 5 goats and 12 sheep just sort of roaming my place right now.
They put themselves back in the barn when they are done grazing. The only
drawback has been the sheep ate my tiger lillies...oh well...there's always
next year!....Deanna