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Posted by: prophetic <prophetic@...>


This Sunday we hit San Diego for our first meetings on the U.S
West Coast. It has been a wonderful trip so far. But a couple of
other places need some corrections in the details - especially
OREGON which has changed from a House meeting to a Hall
meeting due to quite a bit of interest there. The organizer of the
LOS ANGELES meetings also told me to emphasize the fact that
they are in Orange County - so people know roughly where they
are. Here are all the (corrected) meetings below:

(1) SAN DIEGO - Sunday Jan 31st (MORN + NIGHT).
Speaker: Andrew Strom.
VENUE: Light Family Church, 13606 Hwy 8 Bus.
Lakeside, CA 92040.
TIMES: 10am and 6:30pm on Sun Jan 31 (-two meetings).
CONTACT: Jenice - 619 504-9924 or Larry - 619 504-9923.

Speaker: Andrew Strom.
VENUE: Womans Club of Buena Park, 6711 Beach Blvd.
Buena Park, CA 90621.
TIMES: 7pm both nights (Feb 2nd and 3rd).
CONTACT: Steve - 714 403 5286.

(3) FRESNO, CALIFORNIA - Feb 5 - 6.
Speaker: Andrew Strom.
VENUE: FCPOA Hall, 7633 North Weber Avenue,
Fresno, CA 93722.
TIMES: 7pm FRI (Feb 5th) + 4pm SAT (Feb 6th).
CONTACT: Andy - 209-345-0711 or Mike - 559-307-4049.

(4) OREGON STATE - Mon Feb 8th. (-ONE NIGHT ONLY).
Speaker: Andrew Strom.
VENUE: Keizer Community Center, 930 Chemawa Road NE,
Keizer, OR 97303.
TIME: 7:00 pm on Mon Feb 8th (-One night only).
CONTACT: Nathan - 503-949-9901 or Bob - 503-580-6471.

(5) WASHINGTON STATE - Feb 9 + 10 (-Two Meetings at diff. venues).
Speaker: Andrew Strom.
FIRST VENUE: River of Life, 299 Oak Flat Road,
Goldendale, WA 98620.
TIME: 7:00 pm on Tuesday Feb 9th.

SECOND VENUE: Klickitat County PUD, 1313 South Columbus,
Goldendale, WA 98620.
TIME: 7:00 pm on Wednesday Feb 10th.
CONTACT: Barb - (509) 773-4634 or
Mike and Anne - (509) 772-2688 or (509) 250-1268.

We hope to see you at these meetings if you can make it, my friends.

God bless you all!