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What a friend I've found
4,709 Posts
#1 · June 13, 2007, 5:43 pm
Quote from Forum Archives on June 13, 2007, 5:43 pmPosted by: rxdca <rxdca@...>
Do any of you master acoustic players have, or are willing to make, tab
for "What a Friend I've Found"? I particularly like the version by
Lindell Cooley from one of the Brownsville Revival CDs. I can play the
basic chords with a standard finger-roll. But it sounds to me like he
is moving up the neck as he's playing, and for the life of me I can't
figure it out.--
[email protected]You may be down, you may be out
With nothing to be glad about
But you can stand right up and shout
'Cause Jesus died for you
- Charlie Daniels, "Jesus Died for You"Phil 4:13
Posted by: rxdca <rxdca@...>
Do any of you master acoustic players have, or are willing to make, tab
for "What a Friend I've Found"? I particularly like the version by
Lindell Cooley from one of the Brownsville Revival CDs. I can play the
basic chords with a standard finger-roll. But it sounds to me like he
is moving up the neck as he's playing, and for the life of me I can't
figure it out.
for "What a Friend I've Found"? I particularly like the version by
Lindell Cooley from one of the Brownsville Revival CDs. I can play the
basic chords with a standard finger-roll. But it sounds to me like he
is moving up the neck as he's playing, and for the life of me I can't
figure it out.
[email protected]
You may be down, you may be out
With nothing to be glad about
But you can stand right up and shout
'Cause Jesus died for you
- Charlie Daniels, "Jesus Died for You"
Phil 4:13
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