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WHAT A REACTION! - Andrew Strom.

Posted by: prophetic <prophetic@...>

From: Andrew Strom.

Dear friends,
there was quite a huge reaction to the
article I sent out on Monday, entitled "The 9 Lies of
Today's church". I have recieved close to 500 emails
responding to it and more are coming in all the time.
So please bear with me while I try and catch my

Many responses were strongly in agreement, while
others were rather negative - even vitriolic. All I can
do is ask people to calmly examine the facts in
coming weeks. I will be publishing an article looking
at each of the "Nine" individually. Be assured, everything
I wrote has strong scriptural support, as you will see.
I also hope to announce a "mass-chat" session next
week to discuss these things live online. Possibly
web-casts also - I don't know. We really need to
discuss them all.

One rather surprising email that I received today was
from someone who teaches at a Bible School:

From: "Dr Adrian"
Subject: Re: 9 lies of the church
Date sent: Tue, 20 Apr 2004 11:19:25 +0200

I loved your article Andrew, and I think it is absolutely
spot on. Even although I am a pastor and I also teach
theology in a Bible school 🙂 I do try to teach them good
stuff. I have been teaching ecclesiology this term, and
many of the things you have said are recognised even by
very conservative evangelical theologians as being
completely biblical, New Testament truth. Unfortunately,
some of them then try to explain away why it is not like that now!

Hopefully we can publish other reactions and
comments as time allows. This just happened to
be one that surprised me and caught my attention.

God bless you, my friends!

Kindest regards in Christ,

Andrew Strom.